Saturday 2 April 2022

Monster Fun Memories

I was too young to have worked on the short-lived Monster Fun Comic that ran from 1975 to 1976 but I was a contributor to the Buster and Monster Fun Holiday Specials of the 1990s. Although the weekly comic was long gone, Monster Fun continued as a joint special with Buster for several years (and there was a solo Buster special too of course). 

One of my contributions to the Buster and Monster Fun Holiday Special 1990 is shown above. I was pleased with how the Tom Thug in Monsterland story turned out and it's still one of my personal all-time favourites. (I have the original art framed on my wall.) Putting Tom into a fantasy scenario went against the usual theme of the strip but I got around it by having him enter the 'Monster Fun Zone' which was free of the more grounded aspects of Bustertown. Script, art, colours by me, lettering by Mike Peters. And yes, that's Grimly Feendish on the second page. I couldn't resist the chance to include one of my favourite characters from Wham! and Smash!

The other story I had in that special was The Vampire Brats meet Doctor Prankenstein. I enjoyed doing this one too. Script and art by me, lettering by Jack Potter. As always, click on the images to see them full size. I hope you enjoy reading these strips of mine from 32 years ago! And yes, for newcomers, I'm still working in comics and this blog will bring you news on everything I'm drawing!



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