Friday 31 May 2024

Own original comic art!

My latest auction of original comic art ends this coming Monday, 3rd June! The actual artwork from Viz, Buster, Secret Wars, and Doctor Who Magazine by me, plus Buster cover art by Tom Paterson!

Not many bids so far so you could be in with a good chance to own actual comic art originals. Here's the link to the listings. Good luck! 


Tuesday 28 May 2024

VIZ, DALEKS, MACHO MAN and more in this week's art auction!

I haven't been well recently so I haven't been earning anything so... here we go with another art auction to pay the bills! I'd have sold these pages anyway eventually but circumstances have speeded things up. I hope some items will be of interest. A nice varied selection of characters here. Please note this is all original art, not prints! Black ink on Bristol Board.

First up, a Suicidal Syd page from Viz comic No.189 from 2009...



Then one of my earliest characters, Macho Man that appeared in Marvel UK's Secret Wars comic in 1986. Only 11 chapters were published and I have very few originals left so this is a rarity... 


The Tom Thug page I drew for the Halloween issue of Buster in 1993...


A Daft Dimension strip featuring a Dalek that I did for Doctor Who Magazine No.601 in 2020...


...and finally original artwork by Tom Paterson for the front and back covers of Buster dated 1st February 1986...

All bids gratefully received! Auctions end on Monday 3rd June!

Monday 27 May 2024

41 years in Comics!

Time to update the list of publications I've worked for since selling my first cartoons in 1983!

The Daredevils (What If cartoons)

The Mighty World of Marvel (What If cartoons)

Spider-Man Comic (Captain Wally, Snailman)

Learn With Moonbird (children books, ghosting Mike Higgs' art)

Swiftsure (Rock Solid, Brickman)

Brickman (Harrier Comics one-shot, 1986)

Transformers (Robo-Capers, Combat Colin)

Action Force (Combat Colin)

The Real Ghostbusters (Early episodes of Blimey! It’s Slimer)

Secret Wars (Macho Man)

Thundercats (Early episodes of One Cat and His Cod)

Jackpot Annual 1986 (Scooper)

Whoopee Annual 1987 (Bookworm)

2000AD Annual 1985 (article on old comic heroes)

Warlock (Derek the Troll)

White Dwarf (Derek the Troll)

Oink! (Tom Thug, Pete and his Pimple, Pigswilla, lots of others)

Buster (Tom Thug, Pete and his Pimple, Vampire Brats, Specky Hector)

Buster Book (from late '80s onwards. Tom Thug etc.)

Viz (Pathetic Sharks, Felix and his Amazing Underpants, Norman the Doorman, various others)

UT (various)

Sweet FA (various)

C’Mon Ref! (Whitley Baywatch)

Sunday Sport (Norma Snockers)

Daily Star (short run of Whitley Baywatch Wanderers)

Speakeasy (Pedantic Stan the Comics Fan)

Triffik! (Tough Guy)

2000AD Action Special (article on old UK comics)

Sonic the Comic (scripts on Sonic, Amy and Tekno, Tails, etc)

CiTV Tellytots (Scripts on Sooty, Mopatop’s Shop, Dog and Duck, etc)

Lego Adventures (Scripts)

The Seven Deadly Sins graphic novel (art on The Glut, written by Dave Gibbons)

Toxic magazine (Team Toxic)

Rampage (Mini-Marvels)

Marvel Heroes (Mini-Marvels)

Spectacular Spider-Man (Mini-Marvels)

Lucky Bag Comic (Horror Bags, Cheeky Monkeys)

Geek (Norway) (Suburban Satanists)

Herman Hedning (Sweden/Norway) (Suburban Satanists)

Beano (Super School, Rasher, Pup Parade, Big Eggo, various others)

Dandy (Postman Prat, Kid Cops, Keyhole Kate, a few others)

Beano Max (Super School)

Know How! (Various artwork)

Forstads Satanistine (Norway, 2003. Collection of Suburban Satanists strips)

Fun-Tastic Comic (Cover only) 

Jokes and Magic (various strips)

Brickman Begins! (USA) (book reprinting Brickman strips)

Epic (Hygiene High, Eric Fail, Zombie Sports)

Aces Weekly (digital) (Combat Colin)

Doctor Who Magazine (The Daft Dimension)

Elephantmen (USA) (Brickman Returns)

Grindhouse (USA) (Li’l House of Grind) 

Comic Heroes magazine (articles on old comics) 

Comic Scene magazine (articles on old comics)

You Are The Hero (book. New Derek the Troll page)

Stikkums (art for digital app)

TV21 (Network edition for Gerry Anderson boxset. Zoony the Lagoon)

The77 (Sgt.Shouty)

Liverpool Heartbeat magazines (various)

Cor!! Buster Specials 2019/2020 (Buster)

Battle Special 2020 (Specky Hector the Comics Collector)

Monster Fun Halloween Special 2021 (Wiz War)

Animal Planet (Bad Pets)

The Kirknewton Story (Close Encounters)

Stingray Comic Special (Network edition for Stingray box set) (Oink the Seal)

This Comic Is Haunted (Short Sharp Shocks)

The Dandy Summer Special 2024 (Dinah Mo) 

The Dandy Annual 2025 (Dinah Mo)

The Dunfermline Story (Dead Famous. Script by Colin Maxwell)

Goof Summer Special (School of the Future!)


Extra: Before I turned professional I also contributed to a lot of fanzines. I can't remember all of them but here's a short list...

BEM (article on Power Comics)

The Owl's Effort (Fandumb At Large illustrations) 

Chain Reaction (Fandumb at Large comic strip)

Camera Obscura (Prisoner fanzine for which I did Rogue Rover and Alistair Sadgitt)


Self published comics:

After Image (1979, various strips and articles)

Metamorph/Fantasy Express (1981 articles and strips)

Blimey! It's Brickman (1983)

Brickman on Toast

The Early Brickman

Combat Colin Summer Special 1967 (in reality published in the 1990s)

Combat Colin Special (c.2000)

Yampy Tales (Combat Colin and Brickman)

Rogue Rover (collecting the strips from Camera Obscura)

The Microlife of Alistair Sadgitt (collecting the strips from Camera Obscura)

Brickman Returns! (collecting the Brickman strips from Elephantmen)

Combat Colin (reprinting strips from Action Force and Transformers)

Derek the Troll (reprinting Derek strips from Warlock and White Dwarf plus Rock Solid strips from Swiftsure)

Pedantic Stan the Comics Fan (collecting all the strips from Speakeasy)

Barmy Comix (digital, reprinting selected Brickman, Combat Colin, Derek the Troll, Pedantic Stan  strips)

Tough Guy and Scruffy (Digital. Collecting the strips from Triffik!) 

Fanzine Funnies (fanzine reprints) 

Comic Sampler (various reprints)


Obviously some strips I've worked on lasted ran for longer than others. 16 years on Team Toxic, 10 years on Tom Thug, 4 years on Combat Colin, and so on but all in all it's a lot of ink and a lot of typing! Thanks to everyone for being there for part of the journey if not all of it.

Saturday 25 May 2024

Summer Convention Schedule

I only have three comics events lined up for this summer but I hope you'll come along to commission a sketch, buy a comic, and have a chat. Comic cons are nice informal social gatherings where you're sure to be in the company of people with similar interests. It's always good for us to meet the readers too, so I hope to see you there!



Saturday 8th June,

Stanley Square,

Sale (Greater Manchester) 



MACC-POW! Comic Art Festival

Saturday 22nd June,

Macclesfield Town Hall 



London Comics Festival

(part of London Film and Comic Con)

Friday 5th to Sunday 7th July,

Olympia, Kensington, London. 


Thursday 23 May 2024

The Daleks Are Back!

Yes, the Daleks are back! Well, comedy Daleks in my comic strip at least, if not on TV. Here's a preview of panel one of my latest Daft Dimension strip that you'll find in the official Doctor Who Magazine No.604 - in shops today!


Monday 13 May 2024

The new Dinah Mo is here!

Just arrived in the post, this year's Dandy Summer Special, which includes the debut of the all-new Dinah Mo. (Created by the Dandy staff, with story and art by me.)

With a cover by Nigel Parkinson the Special should be in shops this week or can be ordered directly from the DC Thomson Shop.

Cover drawn by Nigel Parkinson.

Friday 10 May 2024

Con announcement

I'm sorry to say I won't be attending TFUKcon this weekend. Under advice from my GP I had my COVID jab the other day (Moderna) but it hasn't reacted well with my system. Perhaps because my immune system is already compromised I dunno. Aching all over and totally exhausted. Too weak to leave the house never mind travelling.
My apologies to those of you expecting to see me there

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Thanks again!

A big thank you again to all of you who placed bids on my art auctions, and congratulations to the winners. I'll be posting the art out over the next few days! 

If you didn't win, don't be downhearted. I'll be listing more soon!  

I'm happy to sell my old pages to collectors. I was just thinking that the ones from December 1990 onwards were all drawn in my current house, posted off to London back then, were returned to me after publication, and have been in my archives for the past few decades. Now I'm packaging those same pages up again to post at the same post office I used back then. 

I don't have any family to leave my artwork to so the best thing is for collectors to have them who'll appreciate the pages. I'm holding some back though for close friends to have after I'm gone.

I wonder what will happen to all the artwork in the decades to come? Will the families of the collectors inherit the pages? Will they be sold off again in auctions? Descarded and destroyed? Who knows? For now, at least, I'm grateful that people appreciate my work. 

Sunday 5 May 2024

Original art auction ends soon! (Bank Holiday Monday)

My latest auction of original comic art ends very soon! Pages I did from Viz, Oink!, Buster, a Combat Colin cover PLUS a Billy Bunter original by Eric Roberts that's around 70 years old! 

Please bid if there's anything here you want. See the full listings at this link...

Thanks in advance. Good luck!

Saturday 4 May 2024

Shouty Showdown!


Here's an advance preview of the final episode in the current Sgt.Shouty story arc! Our hero confronts Doctor Plank for the showdown in the Moon! The two pager will appear in The77 No.10, to be listed soon on this link: 

Sgt.Shouty has appeared in The77 since issue one, and I hope he will return in the future but, like everything these days, it depends on my health and how my CLL develops over the coming months. Had a CT scan last week to see the extent of the cancer and I'm currently awaiting results. 

At least I got this story concluded so I'm not letting readers down on that score.

Anyway... I thought I'd keep you up to speed. I'll plug The77 again as soon as it's available to order.

Friday 3 May 2024

Lots of ORIGINAL COMIC ART up for grabs right now!

My latest auction of original comic art contains a variety of pages that I hope will appeal to collectors out there. Here we go...

An original Felix and his Amazing Underpants strip (page and a half) from Viz No.140 published back in 2004. (Adults only.) 


The art for the final episode of Robo-Capers published in Transformers No.152 in 1988...


My original art for the front cover of Combat Colin No.2 (and I'll throw in a comic too)...

My unfinished art for my first version of the cover to Oink! No.53 (1988)...

A one-off strip called The Warrior that appeared in Oink! No.22 (1987)...

A one-off strip, Invaders From Beyond, that appeared in Buster in December 1990...

A Tom Thug page that was published in Buster in 1993...

PLUS... something different. Part of an original Billy Bunter strip by Eric Roberts that appeared in Knockout around the late 1950s...

 Your bids are really appreciated so I hope you'll find something you like. Auctions end this coming Monday, 6th May! Good luck!

Here's a link to the complete listings...