Thursday, 18 November 2021

Festive fun week

I've just sent off the next Daft Dimension strip for the Christmas issue of Doctor Who Magazine. No spoilers, but here's an enlargement of a tiny corner of it. It'll appear in issue 572 of the mag, out in three weeks' time.


WillB said...

Hi Lew, an idea re use of your Suburban Satanists column/ jokes/ thinking/ work. Do/ commission an assistant or 2 for very small sketches eg 1-2-3 minutes? based on the/your humour and test them on a digital channel where your IP rights are protected then run a load together as a 'humorous episode/ gory period in the life of Surburban Satanists...Background, props all comic cuts your style 2D...Just a thought WillB, Peterborough.
P.S. 'cheat?- use your artwork and green screen/ make play reel with commercial timings and offer to tv commissioning editor?/ Expand using your other repertoires IP characters. I was inspired by cartoonists for this kinda when seeing Tommy Copper sketches and also a couple at trade show with a 2D comic art stand launching their CatBurglar board game. ATB WillB

Lew Stringer said...

Sorry, that's gone way over my head. Are you talking about animation?