Sunday, 12 January 2025

COMICS! Important News, Chums!

As you know, I've been selling my self-published comics on eBay for years, and it's proven to be a good place to attract readers. However, that is about to change.

From early February, eBay are implementing changes so that sellers will have to wait two weeks before funds are avalable on each item! Apparently this is to protect the buyer in case we don't deliver the goods, but it's a very cynical move because I'm sure most sellers are honest and, like me, have a 100% rating! (I suspect the real motive is so that eBay can profit from interest for a longer period.)

The alternative is to use Signed For or Special Delivery, in which case eBay pay the seller when the buyer signs for the goods. That's fine for higher priced items (and I will continue to sell artwork that way on eBay) but detrimental for single issues of comics! No one would want to pay for postage that costs more than the comic, and I wouldn't feel happy charging that. Postage rates are high enough as it is (and apparently rising again this year).

So... at the end of this month I will be removing my comics from my eBay listings. I'm currently looking for a better alternative, and at present it's likely I'll move them to KoFi. I'll let you know here on this blog when that happens. As I said though I will continue to sell original art pages through eBay auctions as those are posted recorded or special delivery.

At the moment, until the end of January, you can still buy my comics from my eBay page so if there are any you've been considering, now's your chance. There's Combat Colin issues 3, 4, and 5, plus the Fanzine Funnies special. Any purchases greatly appreciated!

Here's the link...


qamar said...

Hi Lew,
have you tried Shopify or Squarespace. There is a monthly charge and some commission to pay on sales but they are easy to setup. I imagine the monthly £19 charge may be too much but thought i would suggest it.
Or you can create a simple website. But you have to pay for hosting. Let me know if you need any guidance , Happy to help

Lew Stringer said...

Hi Quamar, That's far too much for me as there'll be some months when I won't sell anything. The way it usually goes is I have loads of orders when I put a new comic out, then it slows to a crawl. KoFi sounds the best option so far. (I did have a website years ago but the hosting company closed.) Thanks for your suggestions though.

qamar said...

Yes actually KoFi seems like a no brainer

Lew Stringer said...

Haven't time to set it up this month but will sort it out in February.

Anonymous said...
