Saturday 18 November 2023

The horror of it all!

I did some sketches for backers of the Kickstarter for This Comic Is Haunted No.3 so I thought you might like to see them. They'd all requested various horror-themed drawings; specially commissioned zombie versions of Brickman, Combat Colin, and Sgt.Shouty, plus a Frankenstein Monster. Here are the results!

The original art will be winging its way to those backers this week!  

If you didn't back the Kickstarter you can buy This Comic Is Haunted from this link (without the bonus sketches of course)... 

If you'd like to commission me to do a drawing, (doesn't have to have a horror theme if you don't want it) please message me or email me at

I should be able to fit two or three in before Christmas, depending on how simple or complex they are.



davidleach said...

If Marvel can do it, why not the Brickman Universe!

Lew Stringer said...

Zombies of the Lewniverse. Now there's an idea! :D