Sunday, 31 December 2023

Reflecting on 2023

Click to enlarge image to see it more clearly.

I had hoped that this review would have been more uplifting than recent years and that my traditional end of year post could be more optimistic. Sadly not, so those of you who can't bear "negativity" will no doubt stop reading now, but I hope most of you will stick with it. I'll try to be as optimistic as I can.

I'll get the bad news out of the way first. After a routine blood test to check on my diabetes (which I have under control now) some anomolies in my white blood cell count led to more thorough tests. In June it was confirmed that I have CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia). It's a type of blood cancer that one can live with for years without symptoms or needing any treatment. Unfortuntely my white blood cell count is continuing to climb, so my consultant tells me I may need chemo in 2024. At present I feel perfectly fine and apart from the high cell count and slight swellings in the lymph nodes in my neck, I have no other symptoms. However I have another hospital appointment in February where they'll decide what to do next. CLL is incurable but it is treatable, although the survival rate depends on each person of course. At the moment it's like being in limbo; they won't start chemo until absolutely necessary because the treatment can be so delibitating and dangerous, but they don't want to leave it too late when it'll be ineffective.

Many of you already knew this as I'd discussed it on my private Facebook page but I thought I'd go public about it because cancer is still spoken of in hushed whispers and I believe we should demystify it and talk about it so people can understand it better. If you want to read more about CLL the best info is at the NHS website at this link:

As for other matters, I haven't had a lot of work on this year. At a time when I really needed it, most mainstream comics work dried up. Not where I expected to be in the 40th year of my career. This year has broken me financially and broken my spirit, (as the saying goes, the comics industry will break your heart, folks) but I am very grateful to my editors on Doctor Who Magazine, The Dandy Annual, The77, Haunted, and the other bits and bobs that helped me pay my bills. Big thanks also to all of you who placed bids on my eBay auctions to buy my old pages, and to those who commissioned sketches at conventions. It's no exaggeration to say that I simply would not be here now without your support.

Anyway... trying to be more upbeat... the things I did enjoy about this year were catching up with friends locally and all over the country at various comic cons. I feel privileged to know the best people I could ever imagine to hang out with and your friendship and thoughtfulness means the world to me. The photo collage at the top of this post shows some of those fine folks (plus an inclusion of CLL as it's a significant part of my year, but it's outnumbered by the happy moments). Have fun spotting the comics creators in the pics. (Click/tap on the picture to enlarge it.)

Moving forward... January is busy because I'm currently working on ideas for my Daft Dimension strip in Doctor Who Magazine No.600, then drawing a page for a one off comic, and drawing a ten page story for an American publisher. Hopefully there'll be work on The Dandy Annual 2026 in a few months, but it's a regular strip I really need. I will be selling more of my old artwork on eBay soon, so keep following this blog and my social media posts for updates.

Thanks also to everyone who follows my blog and for getting through this long post (at least I hope most of you are still reading!) and may I wish you all good health, happiness, and prosperity for 2024.

Saturday, 30 December 2023


Imagine if you will, an alternate Earth where instead of the public being mad keen on sport and reality shows, comics are the biggest form of entertainment in the world. In this wonky parallel history, kids grow out of an interest in football but they all love the arts, and are voracious readers of comics! The works of Tom Browne, Roy Wilson, Jack Kirby, Alan Moore, Leo Baxendale and all the greats are taught in schools alongside that of Shakespeare and Dickens. 

Every newsagent has half the shop devoted to comics, as they sell out within days of stocking them. Kids queue around the block for the latest collections of their favourite creators. Ice Cream Vans are converted into Comic Vans to tour suburban areas selling comics. Instead of vaping, teenagers gather on park benches to read the latest issues of Wham! or Comic Cuts (yes, they're still going, with sales in their millions). Hollywood is about to release the 140th movie in the popular Ally Sloper franchise. 

Amidst this time of plenty, Lew Stringer Comics has offices in London, Paris, and New York where I employ hundreds of comics artists and writers working on creator-owned projects. Combat Colin has just celebrated its 1,000th issue, published in numerous languages across the globe. There are plans for a Sgt.Shouty theme park on the Moon, and I live with my wife the enigmatic European comics artist Caramba Inkpot in a fully automated environmentally friendly sky mansion floating above Birmingham.

Ha! This is all a complete fantasy I've just made up of course, and a far cry from the grim reality, but it's simply a bit of fun. Hope it entertained you, because when it comes down to it, this business is all about entertainment. 


Friday, 29 December 2023

New Year, Who Year

I still contribute to the official Doctor Who Magazine every month so thank you to editors Marcus Hearn, Peter Ware, and Jason Quinn for the work they've put my way this year. The latest issue is actually out early in Forbidden Planet (and will be in newsagents next week) so here's a preview of the cover plus a snippet of my Daft Dimension comic strip...

Doctor Who Magzine No.599, officially on sale Thursday 4th January (but on sale in Forbidden Planet now).


Sunday, 17 December 2023

The new 77 Annual is out for Christmas!

Wise men (and women) who supported the Kickstarter for The77 Annual 2 should be receiving their books from the publisher now, well in time for Christmas. I suspect some of you will do the traditional thing of saving them to read on Christmas Day, so with that in mind I made sure that my contribution was suitably festive!

Christmas With Sgt.Shouty is a brand new full pager set in 2626, a year after the events in the ongoing Sgt.Shouty strip in The77 regular comic. The Christmas episode sees Shouty teamed with a new character, policewoman Copper Scarlet, as they investigate a cruel robot on the dark side of the Moon. 

The annual also features many more contributions from creators of the UK independent comic scene such as Dave Heeley, Ade Hughes, Jo Heeley, Rupert Lewis-Jones, Marc Jackson, Paul Goodenough, Ian Stopforth, Anna Everts, Darren Stephens, Steve MacManus and more! Alongside all that new material, the book also includes the comic strips that were produced for the Lawless Comic Con booklets of 2022 and 2023 including an illustration by Mick McMahon.

If you didn't back the Kickstarter you can buy The77 Annual 2 directly from the publisher (not available in supermarkets or newsagents) at this link...

A reminder that I also have work in The Dandy Annual 2024 (four pages of Kid Cops) plus the Beano/Dandy giftbook reprints my Keyhole Kate time travel three pager from a few years ago.



Thursday, 14 December 2023

Skinhead Fairy time again

It's that time of year again when you can ridicule that brainless bully Tom Thug by putting him at the top of your tree, with him wearing a pretty dress and fairy wings. Here's my activity page from the 1987 Christmas issue of Oink!  

Click on the image to see it full size, print it out and get the glue and scissors ready! 


Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Tough times call for Tough Guy (and Scruffy). Digital download.

This hasn't been a good year, but I'll go into that at a later date. One thing I created 12 months ago to bring in a few extra pennies was the Tough Guy and Scruffy digital comic. A 32 page collection of one of my long forgotten strips from the pages of the short lived Triffik! weekly of 1992. And there's an all new Christmas episode on the last page!

You can download it at the following link anywhere in the world to read on your device / PC...



Last chance to grab original Christmas comic art!

The auction ends today for the Christmas with Tom Thug page I did for Buster way back in 1993! If you'd like to own this original comic artwork please visit my eBay listings and place a bid. I'll post it to the winning bidder Special Delivery as soon as I receive payment so you'll have it for Christmas!


Sunday, 10 December 2023

One final auction before Christmas - a page from 30 years ago!

A big thank you to all of you who have bid on my auctions this year. It really has saved me from the workhouse, or whatever the modern equivalent is. I've put one more page up, the last auction before Christmas, and it's the Christmas with Tom Thug page that appeared in Buster 30 years ago! 


This 1993 page of original art features Tom Thug and all his family celebrating Christmas. It's one of the very few Tom Thug stories where he doesn't end up with too much of a punishment. My editor told me that "even baddies in Buster deserve a happy Christmas". 

Even so, Tom's behaviour backfires on him, albeit mildly this time. The whole point of the Tom Thug stories is that his bullying and bad attitude should always have repercussions. I created Tom to always be the villain of the story, never the hero, never a character to respect or admire. The reader should always be laughing at Tom, never with him. I hope that, if someone else ever revives the strip for new stories after I'm gone, that they'll honour and remember that important point about the character. If they dont, feel free to heckle and chastise them!

Anyway, if you want the original art for this strip, head over to eBay and please bid or use the Buy It Now option. To avoid the Christmas postal delays, this auction only runs for three days and will end on Wednesday 13th December! Good luck!


Thursday, 7 December 2023

Artwork for sale! Auction ends on Sunday!

Here are the latest pages of my original artwork that I'm selling. All bids much appreciated!

There's a seasonal Tom Thug on New Year's Eve page from Buster from 30 years ago, celebrating the arrival of 1994...


One of the last Robo-Capers strips that I'll be selling. I know quite a few of you asked me to sell more of these so grab it while you can! This original comic art is from Marvel UK's Transformers comic of 1986...

A Vampire Brats full pager from Buster (1990)!

Good luck with your bids!

For my other items, see this link:


Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Daft Preview of DWM 598

Issue 598 of Doctor Who Magazine goes on sale this Thursday, 7th December, and here's a mini preview of a tiny part of The Daft Dimension comic strp that I contribute every month. To show any more would ruin the joke! 

Here's the cover to look out for, and I believe it'll be bagged with a poster for Christmas! 

Don't forget that David Tennant's final performance as the 14th Doctor is on TV this Saturday in the third Doctor Who special and then Ncuti Gatwa takes over in the next special on Chrisrtmas Day!


Monday, 4 December 2023

Christmas is coming

Another reminder that although The Dandy comic ended back in 2012, The Dandy Annual contunues every year with all new material. Kid Cops are back this year, with four new single page strips by me. One of them has a Christmas theme, as I know a lot of readers have the book as a Christmas present.  

There'll be a Dandy Annual for 2025 too, but for now The Dandy Annual 2024 is selling fast in the shops so don't miss it!

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Christmas comic art - auction ending soon!

The auctions on these pages of my original art end tomorrow (Sunday 3rd). Original artwork from the 1980s/90s from Buster, Viz, Oink!, and Transformers including some Christmas pages! Good luck with your bids!


Friday, 1 December 2023

Last chance to back The77 Annual for Christmas

The Kickstarter for The77 Annual No.2 ends this Sunday, 3rd December. That means that those who pledge should receive their books in time for Christmas!

Speaking of which, I've written/drawn a special Christmas with Sgt.Shouty page for the annual. Snow on the logo and a festive theme. A complete story separate from the continuity in the regular 77 comic. 

There's also loads of material by other creators of course and you can see samples at the Kickstarter link here:

Here's a preview of the choice of two covers by Duane Red and Andrw Sawyers...


Wednesday, 29 November 2023

The Name's... Bondish... James sort of Bondish...

Twenty years ago I drew a series of black and white spreads for Egmont's Know How! Magazine intended for readers to colour. A slightly different style for me, as they were action scenes. This one had a James Bond style theme. I'm selling the original artwork of this one now (it's A3 size) so if you're interested head over to this link...


Monday, 27 November 2023

Original CHRISTMAS comic art and MORE in this week's auction!

 This week's auction of my original comic art includes Christmas strips, a Viz page, a Robo-Capers strip, a Snail-Man strip and an action illustration. Here we go... click on each link to see the description and more photos of each item...

My original art for the Christmas with Tom Thug page from Buster (1991)...


The art for the festive Pete and His Pimple page from the first Christmas issue of Oink! (1986)...


The original art for the Christmas Vampire Brats page from Buster (1990)...

A page of original art from Viz No.66 (1994) featuring my one off creation Streetcorner Sid "Three Lighters For A Quid"... (Mature readers only.)


One of my earliest strips, original art of Snail-Man from Marvel UK's Spider-Man Comic (1985)...


One of the remaining few Robo-Capers that I have left to sell. This page is from Marvel UK's Transformers (1987)...


Original artwork for something different. A James Bond style action scene created as a colouring spread for Egmont's Know How! magazine in 2003...


Bidding on these pages ends on Sunday 3rd December! Best of luck!


Thursday, 23 November 2023

Happy 60th to Doctor Who!

At a comic con in Brighton in 2005.

It's 60 years to the day since the first episode of Doctor Who appeared on our TV screens. I'm not sure if I saw that first one at the time, but I definitely saw the first Daleks story which transmitted a few weeks later. Like most kids back then (I was 4 years old) it was the Daleks that hooked us onto the show. A year later and "Dalekmania" was the fad we all followed, with Dalek merchandise aplenty (or as much as our parents could afford). The Daleks was also my favourite comic strip when TV Century 21 launched in 1965.

A favourite Christmas present which I still have.

In the 1970s it was the Doctor Who strip in Countdown / TVAction that captivated my interest (and I'm currently re-watching the Jon Pertwee Doctor Who episodes on iPlayer.) 

Art by Harry Lindfield.

I'm very grateful to the official Doctor Who Magazine for publishing my Daft Dimension comic strip every issue for the past several years. A pleasure to contribute to a magazine that I bought from issue 1 back in 1979 when it was Doctor Who Weekly. Here's one of my favourite Daft Dimension strips that I did in 2016...

Doctor Who returns to our screens with the first of three weekly TV specials on Saturday 25th November starring David Tennant as the 14th Doctor.

The Christmas issue of Doctor Who Magazine will be on sale on Thursday 7th December.

I'm currently selling the original artwork of some of my Daft Dimension strips on eBay, which you'll find at this link:


Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Ae you ready for Christmas with SGT.SHOUTY?

The77 Annual is coming soon, and I've completed a new Sgt.Shouty page for it. I couldn't resist doing a Christmas theme, keeping alive the comics tradition of a snow-topped logo (with holly, Christmas pud, and a party hat thrown in too). 

My story takes place a year after the events currently running in The77 comic, so it's a nice self-contained story for the festive season!

The Kickstarter campaign for The77 Annual has 11 days to go, so to ensure you get a copy of the book, please head over to their page and pledge! Here's the link...

Here's a list of the great contents, and the cover by Duane Red!

Featuring strips from The77, BLAZER!, Pandora and This Comic is HAUNTED including 

  • DIVISION'77 by Dave Heeley and Ade Hughes
  • RED BY NIGHT, BLACK BY DAY by Jo Heeley and Rupert Lewis-Jones
  • EXTINCTION 2040 by Paul Goodenough and Ian Stopforth
  • SGT SHOUTY by Lew Stringer
  • LAWLESS by a cast of thousands
  • TRACKLESS DEPTHS by Dave Bedford and Gary Burley
  • PENNY PENTAGRAM by David Thomas and Andrew Richmond
  • MARTIAN LAW by Brendon Wright
  • SAINTS V. SINNERS by Steve MacManus and Pete Western
  • UNDERTOW by Joe and Jeremy Dunn
  • PENNY PENTAGRAM by David Thomas and Andrew Richmond
  • IMAGES OF A DEAD WOOD by Noel K. Hannan and Kevin A. Cullen
  • FATES CHASE by Anna Everts and Darren Stephens
  • TON-UP BOY by Ken Janssens and AZZA
  • CROMP! by Marc Jackson


Monday, 20 November 2023

It's DOCTOR WHO WEEK! CHRISTMAS SALE on original artwork!

With Doctor Who returning to our TV screens this Saturday I thought it appropriate to put a few selected items on eBay! Original artwork from Doctor Who Magazine plus an all-new sketch of the 14th Doctor - up for grabs!

There are six items in total; four Buy It Now pieces at a special Christmas sale price and two strips up for auction. Here we go... first, the two auction items which end on Monday 27th November...

My original art for The Daft Dimension comic strip that appeared in the Christmas 2019 issue of Doctor Who Magazine. It features Davros and several Daleks in a festive setting...

The Daft Dimension strip from Doctor Who Magazine No.522 featuring the First and Twelfth Doctors...

Now the special Buy It Now pieces...

The Daft Dimension strip from Doctor Who Magazine No.527 (2018) satirising the way heated discussions took place between fans before the Internet...

The Daft Dimension strip from Doctor Who Magazine No.566 (2021) featuring The Master and a busload of familiar monsters...

The Daft Dimension strip from Doctor Who Magazine No.569 (2021) again featuring The Master and a new nefarious plan...

...and a brand new A4 size sketch I did recently. My first drawing of the 14th Doctor...


All items are open to buyers in Europe, America, Australia and New Zealand as well as the UK, although of course postage will be higher if you live outside the UK. I hope there's something there you'll want to add to your art collection. I'd really appreciate your support right now so thanks for your time!

All pieces will of course be well packaged to protect them in the post.


Sunday, 19 November 2023

45 Year Flashback: AFTER IMAGE No.1

It's been 45 years this month since my first self-published comic was launched. Back in 1978 I had started to contribute a few articles and spot illustrations to fanzines and decided to publish my own. The result was After Image, which I have to admit was very crudely drawn as you can see. This was in the days before desktop publishing of course, so I drew the logo by hand and the typography was added a letter at a time with Letraset rub-down letters. No room for error! At the time I didn't know anyone in comics apart from a few penfriends so I wrote and drew the entire issue myself. Published in November 1978 with a January 1979 cover date.

Back then I still hadn't decided which direction to pursue with my artwork; whether to try and aim towards adventure comics or humour titles. Clearly, I wasn't much cop at drawing the human figure or possessing the skills required to draw realistically, and I felt more comfortable drawing humour strips, so that's the path I soon embarked on. 

I'd been creating my own little comics since I was seven years old, but they had just been mini comics drawn in biro and never actually printed or distributed, so the only people who ever saw them were my immediate family. After Image was the first time I'd had multiple copies printed for a public audience. (Even then, I only had 100 or so printed.)

Reactions were fairly kind as I recall, but obviously my work wasn't anywhere near professional standard back then. It'd be another five years before I sold my first work to Marvel UK in 1983.

After Image only ran for three issues, over 12 months, adding a few more contributors such as Graham Bleathman and Martin Forrest as I went along. I created other fanzines and stripzines afterwards such as Metamorph / Fantasy Express and my Brickman mini-comics. These days, although mainstream comics work is my priority, I still enjoy publishing my own comics when I can, with Fanzine Funnies being the most recent.

Anyway, without further ado, here's a few sample bits from that first issue of After Image of 45 years ago. Read it while I cringe with embarrassment....

All artwork Copyright © 1978, 2023, Lew Stringer

There are some "jokes" in the Arthur Average strip I definitely wouldn't use now. (The '70s were another time, and I was only 19, - but should have known better.) If you want to read the entire issue, it's available as a free PDF as part of David Hathaway-Price's online archive of old fanzines here:

This article is a revised version of a blog post I did for the 'zines 40th anniversary.
