Friday, 16 October 2020

Beano strips - free to read!

The Beano have made a load of their old mini-strips free to read on their official website. It includes several Rasher strips I did for the comic a few years ago. (I always enjoyed doing those.)

Follow this link to see one of the strips and explore the page when you get there to see more: 



Manic Man said...

what does the GYJR mean? it kinda sticks out and I can't think of what It might mean...

Lew Stringer said...

How odd. It wasn't on the strip I submitted. Perhaps it was a stray bit of text added by accident in the production stage?

Manic Man said...

maybe, it does stand out as not being aligned right so it seamed unlikely to be your work. Work Experience kid tagging? good strips either way.