It humbly calls itself a fanzine but this wonderful publication is easily on a par with High Street magazines in terms of design and its quality of writing. Vworp! Vworp! is devoted to covering the history of Doctor Who Magazine, and as the latter has been around for 41 years there's a lot of insider knowledge to unearth. Vworp! Vworp! manages that admirably by interviewing as many peopole involved with DWM as it can, including editors, artists, writers, and more.
The latest edition is a combined and updated version of volumes 1 and 2 in a sumptous 196 page full colour softback book. Vworp! Vworp! isn't published very often (it's been three years since Vol.3 was released) but that's ok because there's so much in the books that they'll take you ages to read anyway!
Vworp! Vworp! Volumes One and Two Collected includes interviews with Dave Gibbons, Mike McMahon, Adrian Salmon, Tim Quinn, Dez Skinn, the late Steve Dillon, and many more, plus a new interview with me. The interview also shows you one of my original Daft Dimension scripts and the inked and coloured version of the artwork.
Even putting personal input aside, I can't reccommend Vworp! Vworp! enough. If you like Doctor Who comics, or comics history in general, this is for you! It's a chunky publication and it comes at a chunkly price (£15.99) but for a 196 page A4 sized book on quality paper that's a good price.
More info and ordering details at their website at this link:
Plus you get two giant double-sided posters.
You do indeed. I forgot to mention those.
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