I was recently commissioned to do a drawing of a clown for the forthcoming book Circus DeNiro (written by Michael Powell and illustrated by Phil Elliott). I thought I'd make him a sleazy looking weirdo, because those sort of characters are more fun to draw.
I submitted my black and white version (above) and Phil coloured it. I usually colour my own work so it was interesting to see another artist interpret it. In this case Phil felt there was something "Homer Simpson" about it so gave him yellow skin....
Circus DeNiro sounds like it'll be a great book and I'm honoured to have a small part in it. I think Phil's done the best artwork of his career on this book (and he's always been good). You can check out some samples, and back the Kickstarter, at this link:
It has often crossed my mind that you were influenced by The Simpsons. Tom Thug and his dad being the closest evidence. Have you ever drawn for the Simpson comic? You'd fit right in!
I'm not much of a fan of The Simpsons I'm afraid. (I prefer Family Guy.) I must point out that I was drawing in this style for years before The Simpsons were created! Not that Matt Groenig copied me... I'm sure he's never seen my work, but I'm guessing we were both influenced by similar sources
And, BTW, Tom Thug was published a year before The Simpsons started.
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