Postman Prat will return!
Dandy Annual 2018 |
One of the characters I really enjoyed working on for the late lamented Dandy comic was Postman Prat. Originally I was only the artist on the strip, working from scripts by others, but later I wrote my own material. (I've written by own strips for about 90% of my career so I was happy to take on Prat too.) I also do the colouring and lettering because I see the whole thing as part of the job, rather than the "conveyer belt" system of having various people do each stage of the strip.
He hasn't been around for a few years but I'm pleased to say that I'm currently writing/drawing brand new Postman Prat strips for The Dandy Annual 2021, to be published in about 12 month's time. I always enjoy doing gormless characters and there's still plenty of mileage in Prat!
In the meantime, here's one of the Postman Prat strips I did that appeared in The Dandy Annual 2018. Hope you like it!
Hope you get a comic strip or page in The Beano weekly I've missed your Pup Parade and Rasher..also Big Eggo was fun too...
Well, I can now reveal that I've been commissioned to do a new short series of Pup Parade. It'll only be a mini-strip though, like Big Ego was, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm starting on it soon so I'm guessing it'll appear in September.
Great to hear you've got another Beano gig Lew!
Thanks Phil! Not sure how long it'll last but it's a strip I enjoy drawing so I'm pleased about that.
Excellent news Lew. I loved Pat along with Super School do you ever think that strip will ever return in a future Dandy annual.
Super School was a Beano strip but there doesn't appear to be any chance of it returning anytime soon unfortunately. A pity, as it was popular, and I always felt it had potential to go beyond the classroom for the kids to go on missions etc.
No doubt it'll return one day, as many old Beano strips have, but whether it'll be given to me to draw or a new artist, who knows?
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