As regular readers of this blog will know, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) last year. A form of blood cancer. It's incurable, but it is treatable when the time becomes necessary. As treatment / chemo is so dangerous and debilitating the doctors prefer to "watch and wait" until the time is right.
I do get more tired these days, and that's having a knock on effect on work. My apologies for those of you who commissioned sketches if I haven't done yours yet. At present I'm having to prioritise the remaining mainstream comic work I have but will fit in the sketches when I can.
A recent CT scan revealed swollen lymph nodes throughout my body so my consultant tells me I'll most likely need to start treatment in the next few months. At the moment I'm trying to catch up with work and sell off artwork to pay bills, and get things in order before my next appointment.
I'm not sure if I'll be doing any more conventions in the forseeable future. Perhaps one more this year, if things work out, but I'll announce that if it happens.I'll miss seeing my friends at comic cons more than anything I think, but hopefully I'll be back at some point.
Do you have a rivalry with Stephen mathews
hopefully things will go as well as can be expected. Living with long term and somewhat debilitating problems is always tricky, but hopefully you'll be able to stay strong.
close family has dealt with various cancers to various degrees of success but one thing that always helps is to take care of yourself to help build up your own strength which'll help you out. That comes first.
Another one of lives hurdles Lew! I hope your health at least stabilises.
Sorry to hear of your continuing health issues, Lew.
Hope the treatment isn't utterly horrendous, and at least bearable.
Best wishes
Thanks folks. It's something I just have to live with unfortunately, but treatment should hopefully put me in remission for a while.
Wishing you well, Lew.
Wishing you all the best.
Sending love and best eyeshadow, Lew. If we can help just give a holler how.
Incurable, but treatable. Keep a positive attitude Lew. I have just come through the other side of prostate cancer and had the whole damn thing removed, by robot no less! I am now the proud owner of, not one but, two belly buttons (plus another five holes on my tummy
I got the green light from my surgeon last week, so no further procedures required at present.
I urge you to listen to John Holmes says the C word on BBC Sounds. The first episode was broadcast on the evening I came out of hospital and I couldn't stop laughing, despite all the new sutures.
Again, I wish you all the very best for the future Lew, and there IS a future. Never let go of that.
Thanks folks.
Please keep positive and keep battling on! Wishing you a steady recovery after your treatment.
Thanks. Treatment won't start until after my next consultation which is two months away at the moment. I feel fine most days, but if I overdo it it takes me a few days to recover. Just trying to focus on stuff and ignore the feeling of impending doom (which can be more debilitating than the illness at present).
All part of old age unfortunately. I get weary now after a jog. We're not getting any younger Lew!!
Jeff. Cancer is nothing to do with old age.
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