Me at the 1980 Marvel con with fanzine artist Martin Forrest.
With there being no comic cons this year I thought you might like to see some convention photos I took a long long time ago. These articles originally appeared on my Blimey! blog in 2009 so I've updated the text a little...
British comic cons have
been running since 1968 and I attended my first one over 40 years ago in
I didn't even own a camera to take pix of the 1979 event (which was in
the Metropole Hotel in Birmingham by the way) but I did snap a few with
my new cheap point n shoot camera in 1980. This event was in London and
organized by Marvel UK. In an attempt to attract the crowds they invited
guests from tv, film, and comics. (The sort of multi-media event which
is common today, so they were ahead of their time.)
In his satin tights fighting for your rights here's someone at the 1980
event dressed as Captain America...
...and at the same event, actress Jacqueline Pearce (star of Blakes 7 and Hammer movie The Reptile) picks up a few awards...
years later in 1982 at the Comicana event in London again, this time
with comics back as the central focus. Here's a young pre-Watchmen Dave Gibbons perusing the items in the dealer's room...
Years before Cosplay, fans in costume were a rarity at UK Cons, but that never stopped merry Martin Forrest from dressing up as Doctor Midnite. (Martin was a superb fan-artist, contributing to several fanzines of the period including my own Metamorph.) Here he is in character thwarting a ham sandwich in 1982....
...and I suppose it's only fair that I reveal how I looked way back when too. Here I am at the same Con with moustache, bomber jacket and tinted specs, managing to look at least five years out of fashion even for 1982...
Moving on another two years, here's Alan Moore in '84 at a convention in Birmingham winning what is possibly his first Eagle Award. (This would be either for his work on Warrior or The Daredevils, or possibly both.)
At the same 1984 event here's Kevin O'Neill who, in memory serves me correctly, was collecting an Eagle Award on behalf of Pat Mills. (Although I could be mistaken and he could have deservedly won one himself that year of course.) Just behind Kev is Manhunter / Thor artist Walt Simonson who was presenting the Awards, and in the background is Eagle Awards organizer Richard Burton...
Again at the 1984 Con, here's Marvel UK editor Bernie Jaye receiving the Eagle Award for The Daredevils comic (a groundbreaking UK monthly which featured lots of Alan Moore material including fanzine reviews, Night Raven text stories and of course Captain Britain by Moore and Alan Davis)...
Here's Bernie with that very Eagle Award. In those days it was a certificate, but later events saw it evolve into a trophy...
The same 1984 Convention saw fanzine editor Martin Lock launch his Harrier Comics company with Conqueror No.1 written by Lock with artwork by Dave Harwood...
The final pic from 1984 shows American Flagg creator Howard Chaykin (on the right) with colourist Leslie Zahler on the left and a fan in a very good home made Flagg costume...
Moving forward through the mists of time we stumble into 1987 and a UKCAC (UK Comic Art Convention) event in the heart of London. Here's the lads from Viz making their only appearance at a London comic convention. Left to right is Viz cover artist Simon Thorp, writer Graham Dury, and Viz co-creators Simon and Chris Donald...
The UKCAC organizers often tried to instigate friendly conflict on the panels and joining the Viz lads on the same discussion were a group of Oink! contributors. As it turned out, we all got on well as most comic creators do. Left to right is Chris Donald; moderator Theo Clarke; me in Oink! T-shirt "hogging" the mic (can't resist a piggy pun); artist Ed McHenry; artist/writer David Leach...
A relaxing trip to the bar is a tradition after a convention and here's a surprised looking Hunt Emerson with Chris Donald and Chris' then-wife Dolores in a London pub...
This next one was from a visit to the Angouleme comics festival in France, in January 1990. Each year the festival paid tribute to a guest country and 1990 was Britain's turn. Around 50 or more various UK comics creators jetted over to Angouleme for the three day event. Here's me trying to look a bit French and sophisticated, standing beside one of the intricate exhibits based on the work of Schuiten and Peeters...
Marvel UK were among the exhibitors at Angouleme 1990. From left to right here's John Freeman, Amanda from marketing (sorry, forgotten her surname), Helen Carter, Steve White, and Dan Abnett...
I seem to recall it was raining most of the time during the French visit but to prove there were some brighter times here's Brad Brooks drying out in the sun in downtown Angouleme...
With comics being highly respected in France, every shop window in Angouleme was promoting the festival and various comic albums. Even the boutiques...
...and the Lucky Luke burger bar was giving away free burgers to comic professionals!
Here's David Hine and wife Vicky back in 1990 enjoying a drink in a bar at Angouleme...
Moving through the years, and further North, it was a pleasure to be a guest at several conventions in Norway. Here's a shot I took some of the other guests who were there for Raptus 1999 in Bergen. No, it's not a publicity shot from Lost, but a photo taken on a trip around the fijords that the Raptus organiser kindly provided for us. From left to right, the legendary John Buscema, Stan Sakai (creator of Usagi Yojimbo), Patrik Norrman (creator of Swedish strip Bacon & Egg), Arild Wearnes (festival organiser), Jonas Darnell (creator of Swedish strip Herman Hedning), Jim Toomey (creator of Sherman's Lagoon), and, squatting, cartoonist supreme Sergio Aragonés (Groo the Wanderer, Mad magazine).
Two years later, again in Norway, here's Raptus 2001 kicking off with fans in costume parading around the streets of Bergen...
That same day, Too Much Coffee Man creator Shannon Wheeler was scheduled to sketch in the town centre sponsored by a coffee company, but Shannon couldn't make it to Norway so Mike Collins and I stepped in to provide numerous coffee-related cartoons. The crazy world of comics eh?
In 2001 Bergen's Avalon comic book store had the inspired idea to ask visiting artists to provide an illustration on a wall inside the shop. Here's Jeff Smith (creator of Bone) and Mike Collins (artist of numerous strips including Judge Dredd) sketching out their work. A partially completed head shot of Nemi by Lise Myhre is already on the wall...
A while later, and here's Mike and I adding colour to our illustrations. My contribution is Benny from my Suburban Satanists strip...
Later still, our work is done. Jeff Smith's Bone alongside a Lee Townsend Hellblazer illo, with Mike's completed Batman and a Dave Windett bat cartoon rounding it off...
A year later (2002) Don Rosa added an Uncle Scrooge in an appropriate position behind Bone...
Here's Don Rosa at Raptus 2002 illustrating Donald Duck, projected onto the screen as he draws. (The Disney characters are immensely popular in Norway.)
Some of the crowds who attended Raptus 2002...
Another year later, and at Raptus 2003 Arild Waernes (right) presents an award to top cartoonist Arild Midthun. (Don't worry. Not everyone in Norway is called Arild.)
At the same 2003 convention here's Nemi creator Lise Myhre and myself chilling out at the post-event evening get-together. The inimitable Kev F Sutherland (UT, Beano, lots of stuff) is in the background...
Back to Blighty for this 2006 shot of a very busy Bristol Comics Expo...
And finally... later that same year, in December 2006, the very first Birmingham International Comic Show saw Shane Oakley, with John Reppion, and Leah Moore promoting their Albion comic...
I hope you've enjoyed these images from cons of the distant past. Let's look forward to them returning in 2021 hopefully!
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