Friday 21 September 2018

The 13th Doctor's first comic strip

The 13th Doctor's first comic strip adventures begin next month in various Doctor Who publications but her real first appearance in comics form was over a year ago! Or was it?

Back in Doctor Who Magazine No.516, published on August 24th 2017, my Daft Dimension strip parodied the television teaser that had revealed Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor. As that issue is out of print now I'm showing the whole strip above.

Was this the official first comic appearance of the 13th Doctor? Well, it was in the official magazine... but it was a parody... so decide for yourselves. I'm saying nowt. (But I'd like to think so.) 

I'm still developing how I'll draw Jodie Whittaker when she appears in my strip again. She won't look like I drew her above, as I wasn't pleased with that attempt, and I'll probably draw her more cartoony to suit my style. You'll find out in a few months anyway. 

Here's the teaser trailer I was parodying:

...and here's the latest trailer for the new series that begins on 7th October...

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