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In his first all-new strip in five years, Combat Colin returns to Aces Weekly today! The new three page story appears in the online comic Aces Weekly Vol.50 No.7 that went live tonight. The new adventure sees Colin and his sidekick Semi-Automatic Steve face their old enemies Professior Madprof and Bankrobber Man!
Combat Colin was a character I created for Marvel UK back in 1987 when he appeared in Action Force and The Transformers weeklies. When his run ended in 1991, Marvel returned all rights to me and Colin has appeared on and off in various places over the past 30 years. A reprint collection of all his stories was halted by the knock-on effects of the pandemic after issue 4, but issue 5 will appear sometime this year.
A few new Combat Colin stories have appeared in Aces Weekly over the years since its debut issue in 2012.
You'll find the first one in Aces Weekly Volume 1 No.1. Colin and Semi-Automatic Steve encounter a new menace in the form of the Zombie-Yeds!
The second new complete story appeared in Aces Weekly Vol.8 No.7, with a guest appearance by The Giggly Sisters leading to Colin and Steve encountering their old enemy Madprof!
The third new Combat Colin strip appeared in Aces Weekly Vol.16 No.6, with our heroes flying into space to avert the Ass-teroid!
The fourth new strip appeared in Aces Weekly Vol.21 No.7, and saw Colin and Semi-Automatic Steve battle each other!
...and now they're back again in Vol.50, No.7 as part of Aces Weekly's celebrations of reaching 50 volumes. Each volume is comprised of seven weekly issues, meaning that this week's edition is No.350! Pretty good for an online comic that some were skeptical about when it launched nine years ago.
I'm very pleased that editor/publisher David Lloyd invited me to contribute a new story for this significant issue. Combat Colin remains my favourite creation so I'm very happy to bring him back once more!
This issue also features five other strips including David Leach's Psycho Gran. You'll remember that she originated in Oink! comic back in 1986 so in this week's Aces Weekly you're getting two classic 1980s characters back in new stories! (By coincidence, today is the 35th anniversary of Oink! comic!)
Subscibing to Aces Weekly costs just £7 for each volume, meaning that each issue is only £1 each, - and the beauty of it being digital is that every previous volume is always available to buy too! Go to the website at the following link to read more and sign up!