Saturday 1 June 2024

Derek the Troll returns for the LoLz!

The77 Publications have unleashed their latest Kickstarter, and it's for a brand new humour comic!

LoLz is the name and it'll include all new comic strips by established pros such as Nigel Parkinson and Sonia Leong as well as talented newcomers. 

I'm doing a page for it too, featuring a new adventure with an old favourite as Derek the Troll returns again!

I created Derek the Troll 40 years ago for a strip in Warlock magazine published by Games Workshop, and he moved over to their companion mag White Dwarf after Warlock folded. He's popped up in a few places since such as part of the online comic Goof! and a self-published Derek the Troll collection I did several years ago (now out of print). 

Set in a fictitious time of ancient history when weird wizards, daft dragons, and permanently-angry barbarians roamed the Earth, Derek the Troll is coming back for an all-ages audience in LoLz No.1 this summer. 

LoLz won't be available in newsagents so it's essential that you back the Kickstarter if you want to ensure your copy. You can see a preview of the other contents of this exciting new comic, plus details on how to back issue one, at the following link:




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