Wednesday 28 February 2024

Daft preview for DWM 601

There's a new issue of Doctor Who Magazine in shops tomorrow (29th Feb) and amongst its packed content there's another Daft Dimension comic strip by me. Here's a little preview, plus the cover to look out for.
Issue No.601, available from WH Smiths, various supermarkets, comic shops, or directly from the publishers at this link:


Monday 26 February 2024

The guest line up for London Comic Con Spring

More comics guests added to the line up of London Comic Con Spring, which takes place this coming weekend! 2nd and 3rd March at Olympia.

Although I sold my first cartoons and strips in 1983, it wasn't until 1984 when I was earning enough to go full time self employed. March 2nd 1984 to be precise, so this coming weekend it'll be 40 years since I became a comics pro. I can think of no better place to be than at a comic con, and at one of my favourite events, London Comic Con. See you there!

Thursday 22 February 2024

Captain Wally vs The Hulk

One of the enjoyable things about creating strips for Marvel UK was having fun adding classic Marvel characters to my stories on occasion. For example, in this episode of Captain Wally where the Hulk visits suburban England. It was published in Spider-Man weekly in 1985.

Captain Wally was one of my first professional comic series and I had a blast. Is it canonical in the Marvel Universe? Well, I'd like to think so. I'm waiting for the MCU to announce a Captain Wally movie any day now. Or maybe when they've covered the zillion other characters. 

My original artwork for this story is part of my eBay listings this week. The auction ends on Sunday 25th February. Here's the link and all bids will be appreciated! 


Tuesday 20 February 2024

An unusual Pete's Pimple page (1987).

Pete and his Pimple the kid with the biggest zit in the world, was a regular strip I did for Oink! (and later Buster) from 1986 to early 1990 but one of the more unusual episodes appeared in the Oink! Computer Special given free in Crash ZX Spectrum magazine in 1987. The mag was promoting the new Oink! computer game and some of us were asked to create strips based on what our characters did in the game. 

Apparently the game had Pete's Pimple bobbing around independently in a kind of tennis game so therefore in the strip I found a way to separate Pete's huge zit from his face! I didn't have a ZX Spectrum and have never played the game but the strip was good fun to do, and it was nice to expand the character's readership.

Anyway, the time has come to part with my original artwork of that page and you will find my eBay listing for it at this link...


Good luck with your bids! The auction ends on Sunday 25th February.

...and if you want to read more about that special issue of Oink! you can see it on my old blog at this link... 


Monday 19 February 2024

More 1980s comic artwork up for sale

I'm selling a few more pages of my original comic art from the 1980s and early 1990s. This week there's the Pete's Pimple page from the Oink! Computer Special (1987), two very early strips of mine from Marvel UK's Spider-Man Comic (1985) and a Tom Thug page from Buster (1991).

You'll find the listings at the following link. Good luck with your bids! 

Auctions end on Sunday 25th February.



Saturday 17 February 2024

Commissions update

My apologies to those of you waiting for a commissioned sketch. Basically I took too many on to draw in the time I'd scheduled, then had to prioritise comics work, then had some medical appointments and other things to deal with.... but I'm cracking on with them this weekend and will post them out in order starting next week. 

This was the first time I'd asked for commissioned requests. Next time I do some I'll limit them to four or five and get those out of the way before I open up for more. Thanks for your patience!


Friday 16 February 2024

See you in London soon!

Just two weeks to go until my first convention of 2024. really looking forward to LONDON COMIC CON SPRING at Olympia, Kensington, on March 1st and 2nd, alongside these fine folks. Hope to see some of you there!


Sunday 11 February 2024

Something just Dandy

Currently working on.... (redacted to avoid spoilers). :) 


Saturday 10 February 2024

The77 - Special offer on back issues!

The award-winning The77 comic has a special offer running until 14th February. You can buy all nine issues for just £25. There are discounts on the annual too!

The77 is a Britrish anthology comic that includes my new character, Sgt.Shouty of the Moon Force. If you haven't tried the comic yet, now's your chance to buy the whole stack! 

Issue 10 will be published in the months to come.


Wednesday 7 February 2024


...working on a few things at present. Mostly one-offs. I can't really say what they are yet. One of them is a new series of short strips for a brand new comic. There's an incidental character above. That's an enlargement of a detail that's part of one panel. I sent the finished job off this morning.

Next up, drawing the next Daft Dimension as soon as the script is approved, then cracking on with two pages for a summer special, and some private commissions, then on to a bigger job that's a ten pager. 

Regarding my health, I have another appointment for a consultant next week to see if treatment needs to begin. I still feel fine at present. Thanks to those of you who have enquired. 


Sunday 4 February 2024

Auction ends soon!

My latest auction ends on Tuesday (Feb 6th). Original comic artwork up for grabs. All bids appreciated! Here's the link:

Tom Thug! Ham Dare! Plus the original cover art to Brickman Returns! 


Friday 2 February 2024

DAN DARE parody HAM DARE! BRICKMAN COVER! TOM THUG! All original comic art in this week's auction.

My latest auction of original comic art is live and there are some key pages that may interest you. First up, all three pages of the Dan Dare spoof, Ham Dare, from the 1989 Oink! Book. Written by me and drawn by the late J.T. Dogg (Malcolm Douglas) these pages display Malcolm's amazing art skills to the full. A collector's item for fans of Oink! and Dan Dare!

See more pics and info at this link:


Next, there's my original artwork for the front cover of my Brickman Returns comic from 2015. This features Brickman and his partner Trowel fighting advancing villains such as The Ostrich, Gnatwoman, and the Mad Cobbler! I'm throwing in a copy of the comic too so you'll have it to compare to the original art!


See more at this link:

Lastly, there's a vintage Tom Thug page from Buster dated October 17th 1992, co-starring his fussy Mum! 

 See more at this link:

The actions on these three items end on Tuesday 6th February! Good luck with your bids!