Wednesday 17 January 2024

Keeping Busy

Having had recent discussions with an independent UK publisher I'm pleased to say I'll soon be working on a creator-owned three-panel strip for a brand new British comic. I can't say anymore than that about it at present! 

This is a busy month as I'm also working on other material I can't talk about yet, plus some private commissions. I'll also be putting some more of my old pages up for auction shortly to pay the bills while I wait for income from the new stuff to come in.

Things are still very tight though, and sadly life isn't like Hollywood where a character can suddenly have a windfall and things improve overnight! The struggle is real.

As some have asked, I still feel fine despite the CLL (see here for info on that if you missed it) but that's how this form of cancer is in the early stages. My next hospital appointment is in mid-February, where they'll determine from my white blood cell count if I need to start chemo. Thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes on social media.

So... life's never been more uncertain but creating daft comics is all I know so I'd better get on with it.




Tim Robins said...

Besst wishes Lew, looking forward to your new project

Elliesdad said...

All the best Lew.
C@ncer is a real ba5tard. I have prostate c@ncer - which is under Active Surveillance at the moment but, still, there’s a constant worry. The real “pain in the ass” is that for a long time I had no symptoms at all, left alone anything bad. Luckily my wife nagged me into getting a check with my GP and, since then, there have been a fair few sleepless nights, worry etc…

Lew Stringer said...

Sorry to hear that, Geoff. Wishing you well.

Thanks Tim.

BenGMan said...

Awesome! I may read it when it's released.

Peter Gray said...

look forward to seeing your new work and comic... sometimes keeping busy is not a bad thing...

qamar said...

Sorry to hear Lew. Really hoping it picks up for you.
Freelancing can be nerve wrecking. All that hard work with little or no safety net.
Are you entitled to any benefits. There are there for people who need it.

Lew Stringer said...

I'm not sure, Quamar. It's difficult claming benefits when you're self employed as income fluctuates from week to week. I may have to look into it though as I have no savings left.

John Freeman said...

Wishing you all the very best, Lew

Lew Stringer said...

Thanks John.