Sunday 28 August 2022

More Daftness up for auction

I've just put another one of my Daft Dimension strips up on eBay. My original art from Doctor Who Magazine No.497. 

This time, after requests, I've made the auction available for international bidders as well as the UK. Using eBay's shipping program, they handle international orders and determine the postage costs to the country it's to be sent to, and notify the buyer how much to pay. 

All bids appreciated. Good luck!


I'm also selling Marvel's FOOM No.10 from 1975. Someone sold one on eBay yestersay for nearly £1000. A few weeks back one sold for over £2000! Why? Because it features the first appearance of the new X-Men, pre-dating Giant-Size X-Men No.1. I've had mine carefully stored away for nearly 40 years so I thought I'd put it up for auction to see how it goes. Here's the link:


  1. You got no chance selling that priced like that high.

  2. That's the price they sell for.

  3. bit depression when a cheap printed advert mag sells for more then orginal art by a known artist..

  4. I don't think it'll sell if people think it's just an advert! FOOM was a 32 page magazine, litho printed (on better paper than the comics), featuring news and articles about upcoming Marvel comics. This issue even includes a new prose story that serves as a prequel for the new X-Men.

  5. yeah, fair enough, It was more a comment about, like Marvel Age (though i love the Hembeck pages in them) it was just Marvel's self promotion magazine. But yes, they do have some interesting stuff. I've known a couple to talk about stuff which ended up never being released..
