Saturday 27 August 2022

Biffo: sketch and finished art comparison

I thought you might like to see a comparision of the pencil rough to the finished art on one of my Biffo the Bear strips. Actually this was one of only two that I drew digitally, trying out Clip Studio Paint. (Colours were done in Photoshop though as usual.) 

It turned out OK but I still prefer drawing traditionally, pencil and ink on paper, rather than using a pad and stylus so I'll be sticking to the old methods for now at least. It actually took me far longer to do it digitally, mainly because I was learning on the job, but even so it felt too detatched and unnatural for me personally. I'm pleased with the result but I prefer paper.

You can see the full mini-strip in Beano Annual 2023, out now, along with seven other Biffo strips I did (six of which were done the "old fashioned way").  


I might not be online much over the next couple of weeks. After Covid and other ailments and setbacks I'm now trying to catch up with work I should have done ages ago, plus a few new bits and bobs to do. Not a lot of ongoing work, but several one-offs for various people. I'm still not feeling 100% and get tired during the day so it's taking more effort than it used to. But... deadlines are looming so if I don't draw I don't get paid and I can't survive. Things haven't been great the past few years so I'm now trying to rebuild my health and my career. 

I will be putting another piece or two of my original art on eBay, (no, not Beano stuff), probably tomorrow (Sunday), so I'll be posting about that soon.



  1. "I think people should use the level of technology that best suits the job. Form Follows function. if a shovel is going to die the hole best, then you don't need a backhoe. If a typewriter can do the job or a quill pen, or a computer, use whatever does the job" Harlan Ellison, 1995 (in Interview).

    Also, stupid to say cause being freelance, (well, same as most people who work really) you need to work to get money in, but don't rush things. If you overtax yourself to get too much done before you are better enough, you'll just make it last longer and be all the worse for it.

  2. I'm not rushing anything. Just the opposite if anything, as various things have slowed me down. Thanks for your thoughts though.

  3. Loving this. Looking forwards to getting the Dandy and Beano annuals this Christmas, as I have done every hristmas since I was a nipper!

  4. Fantastic 😁
