Thursday 18 November 2021

Festive fun week

I've just sent off the next Daft Dimension strip for the Christmas issue of Doctor Who Magazine. No spoilers, but here's an enlargement of a tiny corner of it. It'll appear in issue 572 of the mag, out in three weeks' time.


  1. Hi Lew, an idea re use of your Suburban Satanists column/ jokes/ thinking/ work. Do/ commission an assistant or 2 for very small sketches eg 1-2-3 minutes? based on the/your humour and test them on a digital channel where your IP rights are protected then run a load together as a 'humorous episode/ gory period in the life of Surburban Satanists...Background, props all comic cuts your style 2D...Just a thought WillB, Peterborough.
    P.S. 'cheat?- use your artwork and green screen/ make play reel with commercial timings and offer to tv commissioning editor?/ Expand using your other repertoires IP characters. I was inspired by cartoonists for this kinda when seeing Tommy Copper sketches and also a couple at trade show with a 2D comic art stand launching their CatBurglar board game. ATB WillB

  2. Sorry, that's gone way over my head. Are you talking about animation?
