Monday 15 November 2021

Christmas is coming!

I've produced strips for two annuals this year so I thought I'd give them another plug. First up is a brand new one, The77 Annual, based on the popular independent comic and featuring 136 pages of new material. Amongst the contents will be a two pager from me, The Origin of Doctor Plank, expanding on the backstory of Sgt.Shouty, my regular strip for The 77. 

The77 Annual won't be in bookshops but you can order it directly from the publishers. It's just been printed and will be shipping later this month. 

The other book is The Dandy Annual 2022, which has been out for a few months now and would of course make an excellent Christmas present. 112 pages of all new material featuring Dandy favourites, including four Keyhole Kate pages from me and a puzzle page. Available from bookshops and some supermarkets and of course directly from the publishers themselves. 

I must also recommend again The Most Important Comic Book on Earth, the chunky 350 page softback raising awareness of climate change and how it affects animals and the environment. Packed with loads of strips from numerous creators including a new Pedantic Stan strip from writer John Freeman and myself. Available from bookshops everywhere. More info on the Rewriting Extinction Facebook page. 


  1. Christmas is not coming its barely November!!

  2. It's just over a month away. Last year people were complaining that they'd waited too long to buy The Dandy Annual and their shops had sold out.
