Sunday 14 June 2020


The Kickstarter campaign for the second issue of The77 is now live and has already passed its target... which means it's definitely going to happen! You can pledge to ensure your copy by following the link below. It'll contain loads of new strips including another SGT.SHOUTY page by me!


  1. Snagged missen the last of your sketch rewards. It'll keep me going until the Cons come back and/or you're up for proper commissions.

  2. I might start doing commissions this summer, Kal, when I've got some deadlines out of the way. Can't see me going to any conventions until next year. Currently pondering on an invite for later this year but I dunno. Might be too risky and we'd all have to keep our distance so the social aspect wouldn't be much fun.

  3. Looking for the getting the 2nd issue when it comes out.
