Monday 8 June 2020

Blog Break

Not a lot of comics news to report these days I'm afraid and, like most of us, I'm finding these harrowing times a struggle, so I'm taking a break from social media to try and focus on my work. Take care everyone.


  1. Rarely left a comment on your blog. But just to say I hope things get better. Your blog in the past was instrumental in my getting back into the old IPC comics and Ken Reid in particular. Rekindle my happy memories of the Beano which I duly passed on to my boys who are now also big fans.

  2. Chin up Lew,
    Focus on what you have to do.

    Things will definitely be different when this blows over but comics are not going away anytime soon.

  3. After what happened on the discussion on your previous post, I don't blame you for stepping away temporarily.

  4. I hope you are okay, Lew.

    I have friends & relatives who are finding these times very difficult but things will get better. They have to.

    Keep safe.

  5. A break is often a good thing for a while. Apart from the standard take care of yourself, not too much for me to say but, yeah, take care of yourself. You're the only self you have.

  6. Thanks folks. I'm OK. Just not a lot to report these days. Will hopefully post some previews when The Dandy Annual is published next month. I'm currently drawing pages for the NEXT Dandy Annual (dated 2022) and an illustration job unrelated to comics.

  7. I echo the other comments on here, Lew. Take your time, come back when you feel it's right.

  8. Lew always meant to post you to say I really appreciated and enjoyed your previous blog and this one and that your passion for comics is second to none so keep well - we are probably of a similar age but admire from your posts how you kept so many of your treasured comics whilst many of mine were sacrificed in my late teensto buy the latest music centres or fund my latest romantic pursuits but your blog did lead me to start buying again a few years ago so thanks

  9. Thanks Ian and Paul.

    I got rid of a lot of my comics too, but back in the 1980s I re-acquired the ones I really missed from the 1960s and completed the sets. I'm glad my old blog encouraged you to collect again. I don't buy any back issues now as I have more comics than I'll ever have time to re-read but hopefully I'll get around to reading them again.

  10. Its ok.

    Taking a break is fine! Just remember we'll all be here for you!
