Wednesday 7 August 2013

Pig face

One of the things I enjoy most about drawing comics is getting the chance to depict funny facial reactions. After all, humour comics should be a laugh, so why not go to town on exaggerating the characters when the situation needs it? 

Here's a panel from this week's Watch-Hog strip in The Beano that I was pleased with, with Rasher reacting to the stench of a mouldy bone. Emphasised of course by the cascading sweat beads of the type that Ken Reid often added to his characters. 

This issue of The Beano is out today, continuing the slightly new direction to the comic that began with its 75th anniversary issue. Some people love it, some nostalgists who are weary of modern comics hate it, but at least they're all talking about it! Personally I think the comic is looking fresh and funny these days but don't take my word for it, - buy it and judge for yourselves!


  1. I wouldn't call people (like myself) who dislike the comic for the celebrities as "weary nostalgists", Lew. We're allowed an opinion and we just want The Beano to be original rather than relying on dull celebrities to make very average stories.

    1. My comment wasn't aimed at you Harry. I've never known you to be nostalgic and at 16 I wouldn't expect you to be weary. :) I can appreciate some people don't like the celeb factor, but it's the ones who want comics to be like they were when they were children that are the ones I referred to. They're nostagists who seem weary of modern comics. I'll change the description to make it clearer.

  2. And what about the pig face title of your posting? Who's that 'aimed at'?

    1. Er, Rasher actually. (Assuming you are serious.)

    2. Deadly serious.

    3. Well, I hope the explanation leaves you less serious and considerably less deadly.

  3. are a patient and gracious man.
    Love your work

    1. Thanks. (I presume you're a different Anon to the one above? :) )

  4. The cock-eyed dog in the background is amusing too, cock-eyes always make a character look totally half-witted.

    1. That's good because that's the impression I wanted to give. It's Sniffy of The Bash Street Dogs and he's none too bright.
