Friday 9 August 2013

Filling the void

Well, I had blogged about how a notorious troll had once again targeted me on his blog, and how his disingenuous methods of passive-aggression were running true to form... but you know what? He's not worth the pixels so I've deleted the post.

If that's the way he wants to fill a void in his life it speaks volumes without any further comment needed. I'll use my blog for more constructive postings. Back to the drawing board....


  1. Well said Lew. At the end of the day it's better to rise above that sort of thing or it turns into a feud.

  2. There's nothing a Troll hates more than not rising to the bait, Lew. You're doing the best thing possible.

    Plus, he's really not worth the energy. Remember, whereas you - a published, well-respected, and liked cartoonist - has more than enough to fill his days, he on the other hand has nothing. So he choses to fill the vast empty spaces in his life, between sleeping, by vomiting his bile into his Blog. The sad truth is that he targets you because deep down he's jealous and wishes he had half the creative talent that you do.

    1. Thanks David. Much appreciated.

    2. Unfortunately I see that after I posted this topic, the troll has decided to continue matters. It appears that anything I say is seen as evidence which which to attack me now. I pity him, I really do

  3. Well were here for you Lew.


  4. I suppose that's the downside of doing a blog - you become a target for people with an axe to grind, or people who are just plain nasty .

    1. Everyone needs a hobby I guess. :)

    2. It is shocking but this is the downside of fame even in the small world of comics. Have you seen the sort of hate posts that Joe Quesada and Dan DiDido get said about them? Don't rise to the bait because it's no more than attention seeking and petty spite. Kaz x

  5. I have read the mischief-maker's blog and his brutal character assessment of you bears no relation to the Lew Stringer of reality... in fact the more of it I read, the more I was certain that he was describing himself!

    I can only echo the advice given to you by David and Kaz above, Lew..... do not engage with the poisonous individual. Continue to pour your energies into your fine cartoon work and don't be discouraged by attempts to drag you down. We want another 30 years of comic strips out of you yet!

    A friend.

  6. Thanks folks. I see he even had a dig at David Leach, just for commenting here! I will not be wasting any time rising to any of it.

  7. It must be true or youd deny it and post proof of your side of it.

    1. Dear Anonymous, Lew defended himself perfectly well on the forum of Comics UK where it kicked off. He doesn't need to repeat himself. Check it out for yourself if you don't believe me.

    2. You insulted all the members of a forum calling it "a Bizarro World". Don't deny it.

    3. What I actually said was "It's all gone Bizzarro World over there", meaning the situation NOT the members! I wasn't calling any member or their forum a 'Bizzarro'. I could just as easily said "It's gone pear shaped" or "It's gone topsy-turvy", and if I had no one would think I was calling anyone a 'pear' or a 'topsy'.

      It really is a big fuss over nothing and the only person making a big deal over it is some guy with tons of time on his hands. Show's over. Move on.

    4. He says your the trouble stirrer, making inflammatory remarks then deleting them to claim moral superiority.

    5. That's this week's bait is it? From the guy posting diatribes on his blog? Not quite thought that one through has he?

    6. But here you are responding to it like a good little puppet.

    7. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

    8. He says your bitter and two faced.

    9. Can we give this a rest now please? I'm not responding to his taunts so stop stirring.

  8. On his blog now he says "all that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" and that he conclusively proved you lied . and that if he was wrong you would deny it .

    1. The link Kaz provided above has my response, made at the time. He's just trolling for attention. Big fuss over nowt.
