Tuesday 2 April 2024

A short update

Firstly a big thank you to those of you who placed bids on my art auctions, and congratulations to those who won the pages. It really is a big help these days. I've posted some today and will post the others in the morning.

I'll put some more pages up soon, so if you missed out, good luck next time!

Workwise, I have a few things to get on with right now. Mostly bits and bobs of various lengths rather than ongoing stories. None of which I can really talk about yet apart from the next Daft Dimension which I need to finish by tomorrow's deadline. (All of us work very close to deadline on Doctor Who Magazine to try and keep the material topical or relevant to other items in the issue.)

After that I'll be cracking on with the rest of the private commissions I need to post. Thanks for your patience.

Health wise: I have another appointment in a few weeks regarding my CLL. I'm still not feeling too bad, although my white blood cell count is rising. For those of you who asked about the condition the most reliable sources are sites like this one:


In addition to that I have tendonitis again so I'm limping around at present and not going long walks like I enjoy. Aagh!

However... I'm looking forward to doing more conventions this year. I'm still waiting for the July one to be announced and I'll update my listings then. 

Conventions lined up so far for 2024:

11th May
Cobden Hotal, Birmingham.
8th June
June 22nd
Macclesfield Town Hall.
Then a big one in early July to be announced.


  1. Getting old is no fun Lew - but it’s not as if we’ve got any other option 😉

    Sadly “health issues” are part of the package of “life”. At least modern medicine is making progress compared to only a few generations ago.

    Al the best. Cheers,

