Wednesday 7 February 2024


...working on a few things at present. Mostly one-offs. I can't really say what they are yet. One of them is a new series of short strips for a brand new comic. There's an incidental character above. That's an enlargement of a detail that's part of one panel. I sent the finished job off this morning.

Next up, drawing the next Daft Dimension as soon as the script is approved, then cracking on with two pages for a summer special, and some private commissions, then on to a bigger job that's a ten pager. 

Regarding my health, I have another appointment for a consultant next week to see if treatment needs to begin. I still feel fine at present. Thanks to those of you who have enquired. 



  1. Good job about your health Lew, hope it still is by next week.

  2. Thanks Quamar.

    Thanks Ben. It all depends on how high my white blood cell count has accelerated but I'll find out next week.
