Tuesday 2 January 2024


Robo-Capers was one of my first strips for a professional comic. It ran in Marvel UK's Transformers comic from 1985 to 1988 (when it was replaced by my Combat Colin series, which had moved over from Action Force). 

Marvel still own the rights to Robo-Capers so I can't publish a collection of the strips but I thought I'd post some here on my blog. I showed the first ten a few years ago, which you'll find at this link...


...so now here are a few more, taking us from Transformers No.25 (24th August 1985 to issue 42 (4th January 1986). With issue 26 the strip went to full colour, and all of them were coloured by the Marvel staff using the old method of flat colour overlays. Click on each strip to open it to full readable size.

I'll post more another time!




  1. Very nice - they still make me smile.

  2. Thanks for posting some ore of these, Lew - great fun!

  3. Thanks John. Quite crude in places but I was grateful to Marvel for letting me develop my style over those early years.

  4. Great stuff Lew, been a big fan since the days of OiNK!
    All the best with your health and work in the coming years.

  5. Thanks Stephen, and thanks for your continued support of my work.

  6. I've just finished reading the entire Transformers UK run in real time, so it's been a few years since I read these but they always made me laugh every week, guaranteed. I also recall the letters page had to explain the Irn-Bru joke to one particular joke-averse reader haha. Brilliant stuff!

  7. Looking back on it I was trying to show the effect of caffiene on the robot after drinking too much Irn-Bru but I imagine some readers thought he was drunk! Perhaps "home brew" would have been a better punchline. :D

  8. Thanks for posting these! I loved Robo-Capers! These bring back good memories! I didn't know that you didn't own the rights to these as that seems a shame. I hope you post more!

  9. Thanks. Yeah, sadly Combat Colin is the only one that they returned the rights to me, but that's the character I enjoyed most anyway so all's good.

    I'll post more Robo-Capers when I have time to scan them in.
