Sunday 31 December 2023

Reflecting on 2023

Click to enlarge image to see it more clearly.

I had hoped that this review would have been more uplifting than recent years and that my traditional end of year post could be more optimistic. Sadly not, so those of you who can't bear "negativity" will no doubt stop reading now, but I hope most of you will stick with it. I'll try to be as optimistic as I can.

I'll get the bad news out of the way first. After a routine blood test to check on my diabetes (which I have under control now) some anomolies in my white blood cell count led to more thorough tests. In June it was confirmed that I have CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia). It's a type of blood cancer that one can live with for years without symptoms or needing any treatment. Unfortuntely my white blood cell count is continuing to climb, so my consultant tells me I may need chemo in 2024. At present I feel perfectly fine and apart from the high cell count and slight swellings in the lymph nodes in my neck, I have no other symptoms. However I have another hospital appointment in February where they'll decide what to do next. CLL is incurable but it is treatable, although the survival rate depends on each person of course. At the moment it's like being in limbo; they won't start chemo until absolutely necessary because the treatment can be so delibitating and dangerous, but they don't want to leave it too late when it'll be ineffective.

Many of you already knew this as I'd discussed it on my private Facebook page but I thought I'd go public about it because cancer is still spoken of in hushed whispers and I believe we should demystify it and talk about it so people can understand it better. If you want to read more about CLL the best info is at the NHS website at this link:

As for other matters, I haven't had a lot of work on this year. At a time when I really needed it, most mainstream comics work dried up. Not where I expected to be in the 40th year of my career. This year has broken me financially and broken my spirit, (as the saying goes, the comics industry will break your heart, folks) but I am very grateful to my editors on Doctor Who Magazine, The Dandy Annual, The77, Haunted, and the other bits and bobs that helped me pay my bills. Big thanks also to all of you who placed bids on my eBay auctions to buy my old pages, and to those who commissioned sketches at conventions. It's no exaggeration to say that I simply would not be here now without your support.

Anyway... trying to be more upbeat... the things I did enjoy about this year were catching up with friends locally and all over the country at various comic cons. I feel privileged to know the best people I could ever imagine to hang out with and your friendship and thoughtfulness means the world to me. The photo collage at the top of this post shows some of those fine folks (plus an inclusion of CLL as it's a significant part of my year, but it's outnumbered by the happy moments). Have fun spotting the comics creators in the pics. (Click/tap on the picture to enlarge it.)

Moving forward... January is busy because I'm currently working on ideas for my Daft Dimension strip in Doctor Who Magazine No.600, then drawing a page for a one off comic, and drawing a ten page story for an American publisher. Hopefully there'll be work on The Dandy Annual 2026 in a few months, but it's a regular strip I really need. I will be selling more of my old artwork on eBay soon, so keep following this blog and my social media posts for updates.

Thanks also to everyone who follows my blog and for getting through this long post (at least I hope most of you are still reading!) and may I wish you all good health, happiness, and prosperity for 2024.


  1. I'm shocked by this Lew, I can't believe your going to have this horrid thing for the rest of your life. I hope 2024 is better then (20)22 & (20)23 for you. :)

  2. Thanks Ben. Don't worry. I hope to see you again at LFCC this year. Best wishes.

  3. Sending you nothing but positive vibes, Lew. Know you are much loved in this household. Looking forward to seeing you in 24.

  4. Thanks for sharing your news (good and bad). Wishing you all the best for 2024 and wisdom for those overseeing your care.

  5. Thanks David, and thanks for the laughs again this year. Always good to be in your company.

  6. Dear Mr Stringer
    As we don't know each other, it would be trite for me to say I was sorry for your news but I can tell you that my sister-in-law has been living with this same disease for a couple of years now and has remained generally "as normal",
    I came on to to this page having enjoyed your work on Kid Cops in the 2024 Dandy Annual. I have only just got onto this year's annual as it was snatched from me by my 7-year old who thoroughly enjoyed it (GOOD NEWS).
    It is curious to think of Steve Bright and Nick Brennan as veterans since I remember them coming on the scene when I was about ten, so part of me will always think of them as newbees!
    Good luck with everything in 2024.
    Best wishes
    Jonathan Cooper

  7. Thank you Jonathan. I really appreciate you commenting. Yes, the doctors told me it's something I could live with for years without treatment although my last visit showed an increase in the white blood cells - twice as high as in the summer when I was diagnosed - so if that continues at that rate treatment will be needed sooner rather than later.

    Thanks for buying The Dandy Annual. I've contributed four two pagers to The Dandy Annual 2025 featuring a new character I can't talk about yet. More to be revealed soon.

    Best wishes to you and your family for a healthy and happy 2024.

  8. Sorry to hear of your health problems, Lew. Hopefully it'll be a long time before you need treatment and, when that time comes, it's both effective & bearable.

    Also sorry about the work drying up. On the positive side, you have a supply of original art to subside your income & have punters eager to buy that and/or commission you. Here's hoping editors learn the error of their ways and bring your penmanship back to their pages. As is usual, the first thing my daughter did when she got her Dandy annual this Christmas was search through it to find your pages. She loves being able to connect to the art by virtue of having met the artist.

    Best of luck for the new year. You're a great bloke.

  9. Thanks for such a nice message, Kal. Wishing you all a Happy New Year and hope to see you at a convention soon.

  10. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis Lew, wishing all the best with the treatment, your joyous comics have helped me through some darker times over the last few years. Here's to a better 2024!

  11. Thanks Leo. I'm glad my comics helped. Happy New Year to you.

  12. The last few years has seen so many people in my life affected by cancer in its many forms and I hope you're symptom free for a long, long time to come. Hoping 2024 is a big year for you in the best possible way Lew, you deserve it. Happy New Year!

  13. Sorry to hear about your health. I don’t comment on your post and blogs often but do follow them and enjoy them very much. Look forwards to seeing more of your work this year. I hope it’s a good one for you. As cliched as it sounds please try to stay positive. Best wishes. Dave

  14. So sorry to hear about your health news Lew. I'm aazed you have kept so upbeat on here whilst going through this. Hopefully you won't need any treatment. Take care and hopefully work will pick up soon.

  15. Thanks Phil, Dave, Paul. While I have no symptoms I tend to forget about it but I guess it'll hit me more later. My immediate concern is raising enough money to pay bills. January is an expensive month.

  16. Who are the people in the photos

  17. Some are my local friends but most are other comics artists. You should recognise some from photos I've posted before. Have fun identifying them!

  18. I don't know them

  19. I remember Lew Stringer from comics I used to have. So sad

  20. Please don't count me out yet! I'm trying to hang onto some hope.

  21. So sorry to hear this news about your health, Lew. Wishing you all the very best for 2024. Always a pleasure to chat to you at conventions, and hopefully it won't be too long until I see you at one again.

  22. Thanks Christopher. I'm hoping I'll still be well enough to do a few cons this year. Feeling fine at present as this form of cancer is a "chronic" condition one can live with for years. Fingers crossed!
