Sunday 7 May 2023

Future plans

Just a quick update. I was hoping to publish Combat Colin No.5 (plus reprints of the sold out issues 1 and 4) this summer but that's looking very unlikely now due to reduced cash flow and health concerns. 

I won't be doing any more digital comics. Although many of you did pay the nominal fee of £3 for Tough Guy No.1 some just decided they'd read it online for free. My own fault for allowing a free download on trust. 

Trying to remain optimistic, I'm going to be busy over the next few weeks on strips including the latest Daft Dimension and pages for The Dandy Annual 2025 plus something I can't talk about yet.

My thanks to those of you who have supported my work over the past 40 years. 




  1. You give us access to a comic for free mate and people will take that advantage. Why should anybody pay for it?

  2. Because a small payment would show that you appreciate the artist's work and that you want that artist to prosper?

  3. Why on EARTH would you want to mention The Dandy Annual now? When you can wait 2 years!

  4. notice it's alway the Anonymous ones which post such things..
    we had some terms in the past.. "The honour system" or "Karma". though one could argue I'm hiddin behind an avatar but.. it's a bit weak..

  5. Yep, that's true Ryan.

    Ben, perhaps you've never noticed but annuals always come out six months before their cover date. I just thought people might like to know what I'm up to, considering this is a blog about my work.

  6. Ummm I meant the 2025 one not the 2024 one

  7. Thanks for the update. I look forward to seeing Colin 5 eventually but health and wealth must come first. None of us expect you to starve for your art.

    Sorry to hear there'll be no more digital but its obviously been a frustrating and disappointing experience for you. I don't get why some people think they can just take with no regard for the people who do the work. They probably don't tip waitresses or give to buskers either.

    I believe most services should be provided free, but those of us who can afford to pay should do so. If I pay slightly over the odds for a digital download and some 9 year old from a single parent family in Middlesbrough gets it for nothing, it all evens out. But there needs to be enough people willing to pay in the first place to make it work.

    Glad to hear you've got a couple projects in the pipeline. It's good to keep busy. Onward and upward!

  8. Yes Ben. The 2025 dated annual will be out in 2024. I'm sorry you're not interested in my news about it but I'm sure you'll find other blogs to your liking.

    Thanks Tony.

  9. Have bunged you a bit extra.

  10. Thank you Kal. Really appreciate that.

  11. I hope work and health issues improve soon Lew. Your patience in dealing with the comments from some folk (the "anons") is admiral.

  12. Thanks Paul. I have an appointment with a consultant next month so should know more then.

  13. 40 years? To be fair you've had a good run. It's all Manga now.

  14. Wow. Kick a man when he's down, Graeme. Guess you never learned any manners.

  15. ugh.. I hate western idea of manga ¬_¬ it's soo hard to get some decent japanese comics in english without all that crap.. I hopped it was dying out after the rubbish in the early 2000s.. why can I buy a complete run of some of Tezuka's stuff in the original japanese or even an italian translation for about £100, yet for an english translation, it's £100+ per volume... ¬_¬ same reason you can buy good collections of american comics in any book shop yet it took Irmantas from Lithuania to publish a decent collection of Ken Reid, a hughly major British artist..

    40 years is nothing really. nice work history but that's it.. for someone to just say you should up and die and something that has gone on for centuries is over now is just.. stupid..

  16. Just saying chap. Like he said 40 years is nothing anyway.

  17. It's something to me, and, I'd hoped, to those who read my comic strips.

  18. No more comments from anonymous / fake accounts will be accepted here. Every time I relax the settings some take advantage. Enough is enough. I've no time for this nonsense.
