Saturday 1 April 2023

The77 No.9 is out now!

The ninth issue of top independent comic The77 is now available, and my Sgt.Shouty strip is back in its pages.

The77 launched a few years ago and has proved successful, with nine issues under its belt, a hardback annual, plus companion anthology comics Blazer, Pandora, and This Comic Is Haunted

You can buy The77 from various comic shops or you can order it directly from the publisher at this link...

Cover art by Steve Kane.

There will be another Annual for The77 later this year. In the meantime, the Kickstarter campaign for This Comic Is Haunted No.2 is live now and you can pledge at this link...



  1. Sgt Shouty remains my firm 77 fave!
    It's SOLID.

  2. Hey Lew, great strip as always.

    But I got my copy a week or so ago and the last panel is worrying. "To be concluded" rather than "To be continued"

    Mother of Mercy! Is this the end of Shouty?

  3. Thanks Tony. Fear not, it just mean I'll be concluding this story arc next issue. After that I'll probably do more self contained episodes.
