Wednesday 4 January 2023

Billy Whizz!

Billy Whizz is ©D.C. Thomson Ltd.

A while back I drew an actvity page for the Beano and it's published in this week's issue (No.4167). It made a change to draw the great Billy Whizz! (Wayne Thompson draws the regular strip.) I remember when Billy's strip began back in 1964! Such a distinctive looking character. Here's a snippet of the puzzle page.

I drew another puzzle page for next week's issue too, featuring the Bash Street Kids. Will show that next week.



  1. looks nice. I always felt Billy Whizz was a character that... writers had a bit of trouble with. Sometimes just fast, sometimes fast and single minded, causing havoc as he raced past and being unaware of it, sometimes a bit more aware but not really caring... other times trying to be nice and helpful but kinda clumsy... It can be a problem with some characters...

  2. I suppose after 59 years it's not easy coming up with a fresh angle for a character with one gimmick, but they do really well.

  3. yep, the fact he has been going for 59 years and apart from that hair style change period, is still recongiable and works with the same character profile. Though I must say, i personally liked his black and red track suit
