Saturday 31 December 2022

Reflecting on 2022

This hasn't been a good year and I've been very low and demoralised at times but I'm grateful to the editors and various people who did commission me for work. From Pup Parade in the Beano, to Sgt.Shouty in The77, from one-offs such as the Liverpool Heartbeat comics, to the Stingray special, to The Kirknewton Story, and of course my monthly Daft Dimension strip in Doctor Who Magazine, and other jobs such as the occasional Bad Pets in Animal Planet magazine, I enjoyed drawing them all. Recently I was asked to draw three activity pages for the Beano and they'll appear in January and February of 2023. 

I'm also very grateful to those of you sent a donation, or who bought my comics and some of my original art pages. Last but certainly not least my thanks to the convention organisers who invited me to their events in 2022, and to the numerous people who I met there and did sketches for.

Looking ahead, I have bits and bobs to complete over the next month or so but beyond that I don't know what the future holds. Whatever happens next, you'll read about it here or on my other social media pages, all being well. 

In the summer of 2023 it'll be 40 years since my career in comics began, so I hope I can reach that milestone and keep busy in this precarious business. 

At the end of the day all we can do is give life our best shot. I've made some lifestyle changes this year to improve my health and I'm determined to continue in that direction for the future. For today though, thank you for following this blog and for your support over the years. Wishing you a Happy New Year for 2023!


  1. Chin up Lew. Your blogs are great.

  2. Happy New Year to you too Lew.
    All the best for ‘23.

  3. Youve had a good run to be fair.

  4. Hey, I wish you all the best for 2023 and good luck with more commissions.
    Love your work and your strips and enjoying Daft Dimension each month.
    Congratulations for your 40th year!

  5. Thanks all! (Except for the second Anonymous.)

  6. Hope things get better in 2022 Lew. I'll be downloading your Tough Guy comic later today with a contribution ( sorry ive been away at Xmas and Hogmanay)

  7. Thanks Paul. Hope you like it. Happy New Year!

  8. Enjoyed Tough Guy Lew a great character . I got mixed up and paid via your donate entry, I hope that's OK

  9. That's fine Paul. It's the same PayPal account anyway. Much appreciated! Thank you.
