Wednesday 21 December 2022

Have yourselves a merry little Christmas

Personally, this has been a difficult year of various health issues and financial worries, but I'd like to thank you all for visiting this blog and for your support when you've been able to help. Whether you commissioned me for your comics/mags, bought a comic, invited me to a convention, purchased artwork in my auctions/in person, or made a donation it's all helped and I seriously could not have made it through this year without you so I'm deeply grateful. 

When posties have cleared the Christmas backlog and (hopefully) they achieve what they want through strike action, I'll be selling artwork and old comics again on eBay. I'm hoping to gain more work in 2023 too, so if you're an editor in the profession and you feel that my 40 years of experience in comics will benefit your publications please get in touch. 

The immediate future still looks bleak financially but I try not to think of what lies ahead. I wish you all a Happy Christmas and good fortune for the New Year.


  1. I know too much and too little on the strike to want to talk about it or anything but Happy Christmas and hope things go well next year ^_^

  2. Hi Lew,
    Dowloaded and paid for my copy. Will read later!
    Have a good xmas and lets hope next year is an improvement on this one!

  3. Thank you. That's much appreciated. Best wishes of the season!

  4. Have a very merry Christmas Lew and let’s hope ‘23 is on an upward trajectory.
    All the best,

  5. This blog has been a pleasant and much welcome distraction each week. A patch of sanity in difficult times and a reminder of the importance of life's simple pleasures. Thanks for keeping it updated, even if sometimes you must feel like you're shouting into a void.

    All the best for Christmas and New Year. Take a bit of time to treat yourself to one of those traditional last panel happy ending slap-up feasts !

  6. Have a peaceful festive season Lew, best wishes for next year.

  7. Thanks Geoff and MJ. Hope you're enjoying your Christmases. All the best!
