Monday 5 September 2022

Ellis is back for one week

I've just received this week's Beano and was pleasantly surprised to see a half page by me in there. It's an Ellis' Great Escapes strip that I did last year but was left out because of an advert or something. I'd forgotten all about this one!

See it in Beano No.4152, in shops on Wednesday! 



  1. unrelated but interesting to me is the hot tap on the right. Normally when i think of the Hot tap, it's on the right without taking a very good look at every person i know's taps, I mostly find it's on the right.. yet surveys seam to say it's on the left more often then the right.. weird..

  2. Never gave it a thought before I saw Manic's post but all my hot taps are on the left. I've just walked round the house and checked.

    Weirdly, none are marked Hot or Cold but I instinctively get the correct one and never scald myself. Someone must be paid a fortune to work out all these intuitive designs.

    Anyway, it was great to see Ellis back, even if it's a one night only engagement.

  3. I checked my taps before I coloured the strip, hoping I got it right. The bigger question in this strip is where is the plumbing for the taps to fill the bath? :) I'm putting it down to artistic licence.

    I think they have one other Ellis strip in stock so that might be used sometime. They also have a full page Pup Parade from years ago so maybe that'll be used at some point. It's not unusual for publishers to have a few things in inventory to fill pages when needed.
