Saturday 25 June 2022

No News is No News

As some have asked about the next Combat Colin comic...

I'm afraid I still don't know when issue 5 will be published, or the reprints of issues 1 and 4. It still depends on finances and personal health, and the necessity to put mainstream comics work before self-publishing.

I know some suggested crowdfunding, but I'm not doing that.

As I've said before, when there is any new developments it'll be announced here and everywhere else where I have a social media prescence. You won't miss it when it is announced.  

It will happen but I've no idea when. Sorry.



  1. Get somebody else to publish it.

    Simple solution.

  2. That would totally defeat the object of self publishing. With no editors or publishers over me these comics are the only chance I get to do things completely my way. I'm not giving that up.

  3. I'm one of those who previously suggested crowd funding, but I totally get why you choose not to go that route. And to be fair , right now there's too many people dragging that option into the gutter.

    Self publishing is a hard road but, in the end, creator autonomy trumps everything. I'm happy to wait until you have a model that works for you. Best wishes and I hope 2022 sees an upturn in your workload.

  4. Thanks Tony. I've got quite a few bits to work on but a health issue has slowed me down so it's taking me a while. Hopefully will get through it soon.

  5. How the mighty fall

  6. These delays doesn't make any sense. You produce a comic, it makes a profit, you win, readers get comics. You dont produce comics you don't get no money. Pull your finger out!!

  7. Printing costs money that sales will only cover over the long term. The returns of self publishing aren't as immediate as you seem to think they are. Do you think I wanted to delay the comics this long? As for telling me "pull your finger out", change your attitude if you comment here again. Better still, don't comment here again.

  8. Hi Lew,
    Dont worry! Work at your own pace and look after your health!
