Friday 29 April 2022

Pup Parade preview - BEANO No.4134

Here's another advance look at what's coming up. A panel from my next Pup Parade strip. What happens next? Find out in Beano No.4134, on sale Wednesday 4th May. 

I don't know how many issues of the Beano I've contributed to now but I've done various strips for the comic since 2008 or so including Super School, Rasher, Ivy the Terrible, Joe King, Lord Snooty, and a revival of The Beano's original cover star from 1938, Big Eggo.

I've certainly not been a contributor as long as David Sutherland though, who's been drawing The Bash Street Kids since 1962! However, I enjoy writing/drawing their canine equivalents in Pup Parade! This is the fourth series with the Bash Street Dogs that I've worked on. They're always fun to do and I'm currently working on the strips for early July.


  1. Will there be longer stories for the dogs in the annual and specials?

  2. I'm afraid not, Sam. I've done eight Biffo strips for the Beano Annual that will be out soon but haven't been commissioned to do any Pup Parades for annuals or specials.
