Monday 28 March 2022

In print this week: Sea Devils and Pups!

If you follow my work (and I presume that's why you're here) I have two strips in print this week. On Wednesday there's the fourth in my new series of Pup Parade in Beano No.4129. This week the spotlight is on the smallest pup, Manfrid!

Then, the next day, Doctor Who Magazine No.576 includes amongst its many contents another Daft Dimension strip by me. This time it features the Sea Devils, to celebrate their return to TV when they appear in the next Doctor Who TV special this Spring.

Beano No.4129 - On sale Wednesday 30th March.

Cover by Wayne Thompson.


Doctor Who Magazine No.576 - On sale Thursday 31st March.

DWM 576 comes packaged with various extras.


Both titles available from WH Smith, some newsagents, and supermarkets. 



  1. Hey Lew,
    do you remember the BBC showing a short series of a schools programme in the 1970's about the making of the Sea Devils episodes? (It may have been just one show that they kept repeating during summer holidays, but I seem to remember there being two, maybe three. )

  2. I don't remember that at all I'm afraid. Sounds great though!
