Wednesday 2 March 2022


As you probably know by now, over on his OiNK! BLOG, Phil Boyce is reviewing each issue of Oink! in the order they were published. The latest post covers issue No.22 from February 1987 and includes a story I'd totally forgotten about! 

Dice Maniac was a satire of the role-playing game comics that were around at the time. I'd even based the name and logo design on IPC's Dice Man comic, which was a sadly short-lived title that contained some quality work. (Seek it out if you can.) 

I remember now that I did a second Dice Maniac strip for a later issue of Oink!, that was in full colour. Anyway, for today, here's the first one, shown above. I actually made myself laugh when I read it as I'd forgotten what happened, so thanks to 1987 me for cheering up 2022 me. :) 

You can see more about that issue, and other comics that Phil reviews, on his excellent OiNK! BLOG at this link:



  1. nice ^_^ as a gamer, the only comment i have is.. only D6 dice? ^_^

  2. The only type I knew about. :)
