Saturday 9 October 2021

Keep a Dandy Handy!

Another reminder that The Dandy Annual 2022 is out now in all good bookshops (but no annuals at all in my town yet for some reason). 112 pages of all new strips including four Keyhole Kate pages written and drawn by me. (I also did the colouring and lettering 'cos that's how I roll.)

The Dandy weekly ended nine years ago but the annual (and summer special) continue. There'll be one next year too!  

If your town is as useless as mine in stocking annuals these days you can order The Dandy Annual 2022 directly from the publisher and it'll arrive well packaged for protection:


  1. It's not just you, WHSmith in Hull have no annuals in store yet either, which is highly unusual, as they're usually there by the middle of September and it's already the second week of October.

  2. Lew,
    do you have an Asda in your town, as the one in mine have the annuals for sale @ £2.00.

  3. I do have a large Asda but they don't have any annuals yet.

  4. James, I hope no one at Smiths has "accidentally" deleted the books from their system as happened with the Buster annual years ago (and happened again recently with some of Panini's comics). Time will tell.

  5. £2!?! Are you sure they're not last year's, Anon? That's the kind of price I expect to see after Christmas, not when they first get them in!
