Wednesday 9 June 2021

Are you a reader of The77?

These days there's more to comics than the few you see in newsagents. If you're looking for an independent comic that features work by established professionals as well as relative newcomers, check out The77. Over 60 pages in each issue of all-new material, including my Sgt.SHOUTY page in every issue. 
The first five issues are available from GetMyComics at this link:
Are you a reader of The77? If not, any reason why you haven't tried it yet? If you are a reader, what are your thoughts on it, and of my Sgt.Shouty series? Post your comments below!  



  1. Am a reader (got a Sgt. Shouty sketch when backing the second one).

    The comic's started out pretty strong anyway, but has been improving with every issue and the good Sarge has consistently been a highlight.

    Closest thing to a negative is the same thing with many crowdfunded titles: The wait between issues. Having the memory of a sieve and it being an anthology with lots of characters, it's very easy for me to lose track of what's going on in the stories. It's bad enough with the Megazine's monthly schedule.

  2. I know what you mean, Kal. I find I need to re-read the previous ones too. Hopefully the frequency will pick up as time goes on. I'm adding a resumé caption to episodes of Sgt.Shouty, which I hope will help on my strip at least.

    Glad you like the strip!

  3. This looks like great fun! Once things get a little more normal in my life, I'll try an issue or two.

  4. Regarding my missing issue 5, Banksy emailed me today and is sending me a copy.
