Sunday 11 April 2021

Back to the drawing board

Work has picked up of late, and exhausting side-effects from the Astra Zenica vaccine finally seem to have worn off, so I'm busy at the drawing board at the moment. I can't show any of the pages I've been working on yet but I'll post more info whenever I can. 

One of the projects is an educational comic about the statues of Liverpool. It's written by Tim Quinn and I'm drawing four pages for it, and other pages have been drawn by Nigel Parkinson, Russ Leach, Dicky Howett and others. A change of pace to my usual work and I'm really enjoying it! 

I've also just sent off the latest Daft Dimension for next month's Doctor Who Magazine. I'll show a sneak preview of that when it's published. 

I recently drew an illustration for The Dandy Summer Special. More news on that soon.

There are a few other things to draw too, including exclusive Sgt.Shouty sketches for people who pledged extra for The77 Kickstarter, plus a few other projects on the go so all in all it's a busy time again! 


  1. Good to have a nice amount of work to do ^_^

    been meaning to ask.. with the kinda... interesting timing, did that Liverpool comic do that well? Website doesn't seam to say much

  2. Well, it was launched the week of the lockdown so I'm not sure. Sadly it didn't make it to a second issue due to the pandemic, BUT this new one will hopefully work out, although this one is only intended as a one-off.

  3. Good to know that, as with last year, the Dandy Summer Special won't be entirely reprint.

  4. No new strips though, as far as I'm aware.

  5. This is good news. Can we hope to see you do regular work for Beano?

  6. Nothing in the Beano for the forseeable future unfortunately but they have some Ellis's Greatest Escapes strips in stock that they'll hopefully use at some point.

  7. Why won't you do anything for The Beano now?

  8. I would if they asked me, but they have several newer, younger artists these days so I guess there isn't room for everyone.

  9. Don't get bitter Lew. Everione deserves a chance and you were new once.

  10. Glad to see you are getting some work Lew - I marvel at how expressive your art is - full of energy and humour!

  11. Thanks Duncan. That's nice to hear.

    Anon, I'm not bitter. Some of the new Beano artists are friends of mine and I'm pleased they're getting work. Like you said, I was new once, and no doubt back then editors used me when they could have used older artists. It's the way it's always been. I hope to be back in the Beano again one day.

  12. Please correct me if I'm mistaken but surely Beano employs artists older than you who have work in the comic every week? I don't think ageism is the problem?

  13. That's very true. Could we perhaps focus on the comics I am working for rather than the ones I'm not? It's starting to feel a bit "glass half empty". :)

  14. Apropos of nothing in particular Lew, did you do some spot illos for Solfest. I have a Traders vinyl on my shower screen , I went for several years but only got the 2013 one.

  15. Hi Alan, No, I've never worked for Solfest. Haven't done a great deal outside of comics, unless some art of mine has been used I didn't know about?
