Thursday 24 December 2020

Wishing you all the best for Christmas

It's been a difficult year for all of us, and a tragic year for many. Christmas will feel very different, and very empty for a lot of people this year, but I hope you can find some peace of mind and some cheer if you're seeking it.

The one thing to hold onto is hope, and with vaccinations now under way, hopefully some form of normality can resume by next summer. 

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and good health and happiness in 2021. Let's end with a couple of songs. Here's a very poignant one from comic artist Emma Vieceli, the original wartime version of "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas"...

...and here's "Silent Night" by a good friend of mine, professional singer Sarah Leaman...

Happy Christmas all. 


  1. Thanks, Lew.

    Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Safe New Year. Ho! Ho! Ho! ��

  2. Thanks SID. You too, and thanks for all your support.

  3. Merry Christmas to you too Lew.
    Look forward to many more years of fun and interesting posts!

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, Lew. Thanks for taking time to do the posts.

  5. Thanks Ian! You too, Quamar. All the best for Christmas and the New Year.
