Monday 23 November 2020

The day Tom Thug was in WHIZZER AND CHIPS

Although I contributed to every issue of Oink! and was in Buster for ten years I never worked for Fleetway's other famous comic  Whizzer and Chips... except for one issue! 

In 1988 I was commissioned to write, draw, and letter a half page Tom Thug strip to promote Oink! comic. The strip appeared in Whizzer and Chips dated 12th March 1988. My opportunity to draw Sid, Shiner, and Odd-Ball!

In a rare crossover between British comics, the strip acted as a prequel to the Tom Thug page in that week's Oink!  

This is the issue of Whizzer and Chips in which it appeared. Cover art by Sid Burgon...





  1. Ahh! Those were the days, Lew.

    PS Your blog has a misspelling of "Whizzer".

  2. Always good..

    that reminds me.. something I didn't realise in your past work, which I'm pretty sure you haven't said about here..

    UK Ghostbusters Slimer comedy strip, some of the early ones.

  3. Thanks SID! I hadn't spotted that typo.

    You're right, Ryan, I haven't mentioned Slimer yet. I'll dig them out soon and post a couple up here.

  4. There's one of your Slimer strips that ends with a "getting out of the wrong side of bed" gag which I remember roaring with laughter over!

    Lew, is it okay to post a bit of this strip to The Oink! Blog (and then point people here to see the rest of it)?

  5. Ah yes, I enjoyed doing that one! I wrote a few of them myself but can't remember if that was one of them. Not sure which of about 30 boxes they're in now so won't go looking yet. :) Yes, use all of it if you wish. Not my copyright but you're allowed to show one or two as "fair use".

  6. I'll have to try and find Oink 54 sometime. :D
    I've not got access to me comics at the moment because I'll just have to imagine what happened next.

  7. Phil Boyce showed iut on his Oink! Blog, Simon. A place always worth checking out:

  8. Just seen this for the first time. I'd stopped reading comics by the mid 80's and can't believe what l'm seeing. The difference in quality to what l recall is extraordinary and l don't blame what l presume is Shiner and Sid for their decision!

  9. Steve, as you dislike my work so much why do you even come here to post comments?
