Saturday 10 October 2020

Shouty's Secret Origin!

The next issue of The77 will be out soon and amongst its packed contents will be another page by me featuring Sgt.Shouty of the Moon Force! In this episode I reveal his origin so if that doesn't make it a collector's item, what does? (Let's face it, every issue of The77 is a collector's item. It's the breakout comic of 2020 and I'm proud to be one of the contributors.) 

You can pre-order The77 No.3 now and it comes with a choice of three covers. All of them are excellent so it's a tough choice! Get it from the Get My Comics website at this link:



  1. Looking forward to getting the next issue.

  2. And hats off to them, the comic is still being produced while other publishers have stopped (albeit hopefully temporary).

  3. Yes, me for one, but Combat Colin will return next year. :)
