Thursday 13 August 2020

In Space No One Can Hear You SHOUT!

Issue 2 of the brand new British comic The77 is out now and it contains the second episode of my new series Sgt.Shouty of the Moon Force!

Shouty on trial! That's not going to end well is it? 

See what happens in The77 No.2 by ordering your copy from this link:

The77 is a 68 page comic featuring 15 all new stories from a variety of comics creators including Steve MacManus, Dan Whitehead, Kek-W, Bambos Georgiou, PJ Holden, Neil Sims and many more! Financed by successful Kickstarter campaigns that exceeded their targets, The77 is the breakout title of 2020!



  1. The77 came through the letterbox today. Liked it better than the first issue. Great Sgt Shouty strip, Lew. Very Captain Hurricane.

  2. Thanks SID! That was the inspiration so I'm glad you liked it.
