Sunday 26 July 2020

Back at the drawing board. A personal update.

This is a tough year isn't it? I must admit I've been struggling. Not out of fear as such, but more of despondency that things won't get better. It's hard to be positive or to "think funny" when coronavirus and all its relevant news is dominating the mind and you haven't had any human contact for months. With other concerns as well I've found this year to be a very dark time in my life.

Don't get me wrong; I'm fully aware that there are thousands who are far worse off than me. I'm one of the very lucky ones. This post is just a personal update because some have asked how I am.

Having my Beano work put on hold as soon as lockdown began was another blow to my morale but I'm happy to say that it looks like Ellis's Great Escapes will be coming back to the comic starting in September. I've been commissioned to do new episodes ready for its return.

Thankfully Doctor Who Magazine has continued to commission me for The Daft Dimension throughout these dark days so that's helped. I also have a few Keyhole Kate pages to do for The Dandy Annual 2022 (out next year) and another project that I need to complete. There's also Sgt.Shouty of the Moon Force and episode two of that will be in The77 in August.
Yes, lockdown has been lifted and life is returning to normal (or rather an illusion of normal)... but personally I think it's far too soon and putting the economy over people's health is a huge mistake that the history books will not record favourably. I'm fortunate that I work from home anyway, and will continue to avoid people as much as possible, but that's not an option for those forced back into the workplace.

I'll be keeping in touch with close friends of course, either in person or online. The irony is I was invited to dinner today with friends I haven't seen for ages but it'd be an hour's walk to get there and I have a deadline for tomorrow so declined. Hopefully we'll meet up soon.

As for my Combat Colin comics; I still have them on hold but hope to publish issue No.5 later this year. I'll also be posting out the remaining orders for back issues soon. Thanks for your patience.

Anyway, thart's the update so far. I'm feeling a little more motivated than I was  and I hope you're all doing OK in these stressful times. There's a long way to go yet with more hardships to come but let's hope we can all survive them and move forward to brighter years ahead.


  1. I hear you're selling old artwork to make ends meet? Where can I get some?

  2. Not me. I haven't put any art up for sale since February. Trying to avoid Post Office queues as much as possible! I might sell some later in the year though.

  3. Stay away from that booze shelf Lou!

  4. Ha! Look closer Gareth. It's the oils and vinegar shelf! I've only had one drink since March, and frankly I haven't missed it!

  5. The Beano is not the same without you so glad you are coming back...very good news and more Keyhole Kate...

  6. Thanks Peter. I've just this moment written a new Ellis strip to email to the editors tomorrow.

  7. Great news about your Beano work starting up again, I've been thinking about starting reading it again, this is an excellent reason to pick it up!

  8. Thanks Leo. It'll only be half a page, and no doubt will be skipped as usual in celebration issues such as Halloween etc, but it all helps.

  9. Good to read things are picking up again Lew albeit slowly but at least its a move forward. Hopefully this time next year your be back at conventions and doing more work at the Beano etc.

  10. Thanks Paul. I don't bother getting my hopes up over anything these days as the disappointment is too debilitating. If good things happen I take them as a nice surprise.

  11. Keep going, Lew, you bring so much joy through your writing and artwork. Great to hear about the Beano work.

  12. Happy to hear there's more Ellis's Adventures to come. I often find my Niece giggling whilst reading the Beano but the only time I've heard her laugh out loud was to one of your Ellis strips.

  13. As other posters have said, good to know that things are picking up a bit for you. I suppose one advantage is that this has all happened in this day and age, when we have computers/the net/social media etc. Goodness knows how it would have affected everyone in a pre-internet age. This might take a while, but we'll get there. Take care Lew.

  14. That's very true, Ian! The Internet has been a lifeline during this.

    Nice to hear, David! They have a couple of Ellis strips in stock, unused, which I *think* will start in September. I'm currently doing new ones for October. Hope your niece will continue to enjoy them. :)

    Thank you Heather. Much appreciated.
