Friday 5 June 2020

Shop early for Christmas! The 2021 annuals are coming this July!

The Dandy and Beano Annuals for 2021 are now ready for pre-order (published next month). I did quite a few pages for The Dandy Annual, and a few Lord Snooty mini strips for The Beano Annual. You can order them separately or together:
Covers by David Parkin and Nigel Parkinson.

It's at this point where some people always claim the annuals used to come out at Christmas. Nope, they were always published many months before. We associate them with Christmas because that's when we usually received them, but I remember my grandad treating me to a Wham! Annual on a day trip to Blackpool back in September 1971. I even still have the receipt inside the book! 


  1. Thanks, Lew.

    I will be getting my Beano on the last day of work before Christmas and The Dandy on Christmas Eve as I always do.

  2. Is there a new bash street kids artist, or Has David Sutherland taken a break?

  3. In the weekly? Yes, Dave's taking a break.

  4. Yeah, they got the Rubi's Screwtop Science artist, Shannon Gallant, to fill in.

    I hope Dave's OK. Considering his age, I imagine he's had to stay home for the last couple of months, shielding.
