Sunday 28 June 2020

Daft Dimension for DWM 553 (Pencil stage)

I thought you might like to see one of my Daft Dimension strips as it was at its pencil stage. I took this photo a few weeks ago before I inked and coloured the strip. (As always, click or tap on the image to see it bigger.) You can see the finished result in Doctor Who Magazine No.553.... out now!


  1. Love it! So *that*'s the real, canonical reason the Daleks went from City-dwellers to galactic conquerors, is it?

  2. In all seriousness, it does beat "because Davros said so five hundred years earlier", in terms of fitting with what's shown The Dead Planet! I love the notion that the Doctor & Co. genuinely blew it in that original story, and Dalek history wouldn't have been anywhere near as bloody if Dr. Who hadn't lied about the darn fluid link.

    And I did always feel a bit sorry for that Dalek the prisoners kill with mud and a blanket. What an embarrassing way to go.

    There was actually a bit of a serious edge to my question, which is that I've been wondering about the title The Daft Dimension — besides being a play on an unfinished TV special thought up by a conman (which is brilliant in itself!), I wondered if it meant to imply that your comics take place in a parallel universe to the Doctor's world, where everything is just a bit sillier. But equally, there's an argument that the Doctor's dimension is quite Daft enough.

    Anyway, keep being awesome!

  3. The alternate universe idea sounds good to me. Or Lewniverse if you prefer. :)

  4. Maybe the Lewniverse is the world of the more meta strips where people watch Doctor Who on the telly?

  5. Yep, the characters in The Daft Dimension are all aware they're in a TV show, and may even be aware they're in a comic strip. :)

  6. Well, they're right, aren't they? Not so daft after all… (Of course, the TV Doctor also seems to know he's in a TV show, at least some of the time. "And a very merry Christmas to all of you at home…", eh?)
