Tuesday 3 March 2020

DWM 549 preview

The other day I posted a preview of my next Daft Dimension, but here it is again alongside the newly released cover of the issue. As is tradition every time there's a new actor playing The Doctor, the cover has the "...IS the Doctor" blurb, and this time it's Jo Martin in the spotlight! 

The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine goes on sale in newsagents, comic shops, and supermarkets this Thursday, with features on the recent series, interviews, and the start of a new Doctor Who comic strip.

The Doctor Who TV series has just ended but it'll be back around Christmas. Meanwhile, Doctor Who Magazine continues every four weeks! Don't miss it!

Here's a larger version of the cover to look out for...

...and here's the cover that's exclusive for the issue that subscribers and contributors receive....



  1. TruWhovians will never accept this. HARTNELL is the FIRST!

  2. Apparently he wasn't, but anything can be retconned eventually. At the moment though whatever the current series says is canon. Whether viewers accept it or not isn't relevant because we're not running the show. The rules of fiction can only be made by those officially writing that particular fiction.

  3. The viewers are watching the show. The viewers can stop watching the show. The viewers may stop watching the show. This may be relevant.

  4. That's the case with every TV series ever shown. Nothing will ever appeal to everyone. I stopped watching Arrow after a few seasons because I got bored with it but I didn't go online complaining about it not appealing to me.

  5. And I didn't complain about Patrick Troughton replacing Hartnell because none of this stuff was invented. Basically, you like some doctors better than others, always been the case?
